Will Lieberson (Executive Editor); Roy Ald (Editor); Al Jetter (Art Editor)
Indicia: SWEETHEART DIARY, July, 1952, Vol. 2, No. 11, is published bi-monthly by Fawcett Publications, Inc., Fawcett Place, Greenwich, Conn. Second class entry applied for at the post office, Greenwich, Conn. Additional entry applied for at Louisville, Ky. Copyright 1952 by Fawcett Publications, Inc. Title registered at U.S. Patent Office. Editorial and advertising offices, 67 W. 44th St., N.Y. 18, N.Y. Send remittances and letters concerning subscriptions, change of address, etc., to Circulation Dept., Fawcett Pl., Greenwich, Conn. Subscription rate 12 issues for $1.20 in U.S., possessions and Canada. Foreign, $1.70 in international money order, U.S. funds. Printed in U.S.A.