In 1953, the company abandoned its roster of superhero comic characters in the wake of declining sales and a lawsuit for infringement by the Captain Marvel character on the copyright of the Action Comics character Superman, and ended its publication of comic books. It was purchased by CBS Publications in 1977 and subsequently underwent dismantling and absorption by other companies.
Information on Fawcett Comics' annual sales from 1941 to the mid-1950s is taken from the book "Juvenile Delinquency" (from 1950).
1941 - 10,636,362
1942 - 23,432,926
1943 - 46,916,824
1944 - 47,664,305
1945 - 38,917,348
1946 - 53,456,885
1947 - 52,612,264
1948 - 61,029,202
1949 - 71,110,970
1950 (First 6 months) - 42,508,650
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