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Issue: Four Color #44
Disclose Detail
Title: Terry and the Pirates
Variant: unnamed
Publisher: FlagDell
Brand: A Dell MagazineView Brand Images
Indicia Publisher: Dell Publishing Co. Inc.
On Sale Date: 1944
Volume: none
Pages: 52
ISBN: none
UPC/EAN: none
Price: $0.10 USD
Indicia Frequency: none
Content Items: 8 (7 stories, 1 cover)
Editor(s): ?
Disclose Notes: Indicia title is "TERRY AND THE PIRATES, No. 44." No code number. Copyright 1938 by Chicago Tribune-N.Y. News Syndicate, Inc.
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Disclose Format
Publication Type: Comic Book
Color: color
Dimensions: standard Golden Age U.S.; standard Silver Age U.S.
Paper Stock: glossy cover; newsprint interior
Binding: saddle-stitched
Publishing Format: was ongoing series
Format Notes:  
Disclose Reprinted In0
There is currently no data for this Issue being reprinted anywhere.
Disclose Reprinted From2
Disclose Images2
Cover, Front
Original Artwork
Digital Edition
Adult Image
Title Page
Indicia on this Page

Cover, Front
Original Artwork
Digital Edition
Adult Image
Title Page
Indicia on this Page

Illustration  on  Cover, Front
Subject Matter
Terry Lee; Pat Ryan; Baron De Plexus; Slugger Dunn; Bellette [Weazel]
Cover is redrawn version of second panel of 1939.03.27 daily newspaper strip.

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Big Stoop; Reginald Smythe-Heatherstone; Baron De Plexus; Belette [Weazel]
I have admired the courage and resourcefulness of both you men...
Connie and Big Stoop get a $5,000 reward from Mr. Smythe-Heatherstone and hire servants to do their work for Pat and Terry. Later Connie and Big Stoop get into an auto accident with a mean character named Baron De Plexus and Pat discovers that De Plexus's body guard is an old enemy.
From Terry and the Pirates daily (Chicago Tribune-N.Y. News Syndicate) 1938-11-08 - 1938-11-12, 1938-11-14 - 1938-11-19, 1938-11-21 - 1938-11-26, 1938-11-28 - 1938-12-03
Begins on inside front cover in black, red, and white. Sunday strips are part of the continuity, but are not reprinted.

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Big Stoop; Baron De Plexus; Bellette [Weazel]; Reginald Smythe-Heatherstone; Slugger Dunn
You fool! Your fingerprints are on that knife!
After a confrontation with Baron De Plexus and his bodyguard, Pat decides to leave Hong Kong and take Terry, Connie, and Big Stoop to see Smythe-Heatherstone. Pat is offered the job of investigating the disappearance of Dillon Kane, the manager of a plantation in French Indo-China that happens to be next to one owned by Baron De Plexus. On the way they make the acquaintance of one of De Plexus's men, an American safecracker named Slugger Dunn.
FlagPopular Comics #81 published November 1942
was [untitled] [Story on Interior Page(s)]
Sunday strips are part of the continuity but are not reprinted except for the first four panels of 1939.01.01.

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
April Kane; Madame Sud; Baron De Plexus; Bellette [Weazel]; Slugger Dunn
Funny how we've stumbled on things in this Kane disappearance...
At the plantation, Pat and Terry meet April Kane, the young sister of Dillon Kane, who has disappeared. Terry sees April later and immediately becomes lovesick. Pat and Connie go into the jungle to search for clues and fall through a hidden trap door into a cave.
From Terry and the Pirates daily (Chicago Tribune-N.Y. News Syndicate) 1939-01-01 - 1939-01-14, 1939-01-20 - 1939-01-21, 1939-01-23 - 1939-01-25
Several strips from original run are omitted.

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Dillon Kane; Baron De Plexus; Bellette [Weazel]; Slugger Dunn; April Kane; Madame Sud [Sanjak]
Is shoomike gleam of lights! Under door-place mebbe!
Pat and Connie find Dillon Kane being held captive in the cave. Baron De Plexus is perplexed about Pat's disappearance and is arranging to bring three warlords out of China by air, along with a fortune in gold. Terry gets a map that leads him and Big Stoop to the place the others are held captive and they are rescued. Madame Sud shows her real identity as Sanjak, an enemy of De Plexus, who has sent Pat and the others to De Plexis' airstrip.
FlagPopular Comics #83 published January 1943
was [untitled] [Story on Interior Page(s)]
Sundays are part of the continuity but are omitted.

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Big Stoop; Bellette [Weazel]; Slugger Dunn; Baron De Plexus; Dillon Kane; April Kane; Sanjak
Stoop, search them for extra weapons!
Sanjak shows up at De Plexus' airstrip with a hypnotized April. Sanjak shoots Dillon Kane and takes April along when she takes off in a plane full of gold. Terry and Pat follow in De Plexus' other plane. Back at the plantation, French colonial police arrive and De Plexus has Connie and Big Stoop arrested. De Plexus finds a clue to where Sanjak is taking April. Pat and Terry make a forced landing, but Sanjak eludes them.
From Terry and The Pirates daily and Sundays (Chicago Tribune-N.Y. News Syndicate) 1939-02-22 - 1939-02-25, 1939-02-27 - 1939-03-04, 1939-03-06 - 1939-03-11, 1939-03-13 - 1939-03-19
Sundays are part of the continuity, but are omitted except for 1939-03-19, which includes panels 5, 6, 7, and 9 of the 11-panel Sunday.

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Baron De Plexus; Bellette [Weazel]; Slugger Dunn; Sanjak; April Kane
So, eet ees well sterilized...now I place the point just below the lobe...
De Plexus and his thugs try to get information on Sanjak in Yankuk, but the populace, even the underworld, refuses to give them any information. De Plexus finally gets a lead about a recluse on a small island. Terry and Pat also arrive in Yankuk and find a dance hall girl who once was Sanjak's pupil, but now hates her. Both parties land on Sanjak's island at the same time. De Plexis and his thugs get the drop on Sanjak first, but the dance hall girl breaks away from Terry and Pat and causes a disruption. Sanjak escapes and starts setting off explosives all over the island.
From Terry and The Pirates daily and Sundays (Chicago Tribune-N.Y. News Syndicate) 1939-03-19 - 1939-04-01, 1939-04-03 - 1939-04-08, 1939-04-10 [last two panels], 1939-04-11 [first three panels]; 1939-04-12 [first three panels]
Panels of 1939-03-22, 1939-03-23, and 1939-03-24 are mixed together. Sundays are part of continuity, but only 1939-03-27 is printed.

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
April Kane; Belette [Weazel], Slugger Dunn; Big Stoop
You may have hurt my sweetheart, you dog!
The Weazel's girlfriend from the dance hall shoots Pat. Terry rescues April. Sanjak has rigged the island to blow up so Terry grabs Pat and along with April and Slugger Dunn, they start to swim to the mainland. The four are about to go under when a boat spots them and they are rescued by Connie and Big Stoop.
From Terry and The Pirates daily (Chicago Tribune-N.Y. News Syndicate) 1939-04-13 [first 2 panels], 1939-04-14, 1939-04-15, 1939-04-16 [panels 3 and 4 reversed], 1939-04-17 - 1939-04-18 [two panels switched from different days], 1939-04-19 [first panel only], 1939-04-21
Story continues on inside back cover in black, red, and white and concludes on back cover in color. Original newspaper strips are extensively edited in this sequence.

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