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Issue: Special Edition Comics #1 Public Domain
Publication Date: January 1940
Disclose Detail
Variant: unnamed
Publisher: FlagFawcett
Brand: object(PgSql\Result)#3 (0) { }
Indicia Publisher: Fawcett Publications Inc.
On Sale Date: 06/14/1940
Volume: 1
Pages: 68
ISBN: none
UPC/EAN: none
Price: $0.10 USD
Indicia Frequency: none
Content Items: 5 (4 stories, 1 cover)
Disclose Notes: On sale date is Library of Congress copyright record publication date.
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Disclose Format
Publication Type: Comic Book
Color: color
Dimensions: standard Golden Age U.S.
Paper Stock: glossy cover; newsprint interior
Binding: saddle-stitched
Publishing Format: one-shot
Format Notes:  
Disclose Reprinted From0
There is currently no data for this Issue being reprinted from anywhere.
Disclose Images1
Cover, Front
Original Artwork
Digital Edition
Adult Image
Title Page
Indicia on this Page

Illustration  on  Cover, Front
Subject Matter
Captain Marvel [Billy Batson]
FlagFlashback #2 published January 1973
FlagThe Shazam! Archives #2 published September 1999
as Special Edition Comics #1 [Cover Reprint (on Interior Page) on Interior Page(s)]
The Menace of Dr. Allirog

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Captain Marvel [Billy Batson]; unnamed boxing champion; President Franklin D. Roosevelt (cameo); Slaughter Slade (villain, boxer); Butch (villain); Dr. Allirog (villain, scientist, giant gorilla, death); Spider (villain, Allirog's assistant); Professor Universe (villain, master of all knowledge)
Billy is stunned, like the rest of the crowd, when the challenger in the heavyweight boxing match knocks out the champion with one punch. By hook or crook, trying to get an interview, Billy learns the truth behind what happened and is captured by a giant ape who is actually Dr. Allirog, who works for Slaughter Slade.
FlagFlashback #2 published January 1973
FlagThe Shazam! Archives #2 published September 1999
as The Menace of Dr. Allirog [Story on Interior Page(s)]
The Haunted House

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Captain Marvel [Billy Batson]; J. Morton Grood (eccentric bachelor-millionaire, flashback, death); Ricketts (Grood's servant, flashback); Police Chief Noble; Spencer Barnes [aka J. Morton Grood] (villain, town treasurer); Ralph Cole (villain)
In 1890, a recluse millionaire, with his dying breath, informs his servant that no one is to enter this house after his death. Anyone doing so will fall under the dying man's curse that will follow them to their grave. When the man dies, the city wants to take the property on back taxes, tear it down and sell the land, but ghosts haunting the property scare everyone off, except Captain Marvel.
FlagFlashback #2 published January 1973
FlagThe Shazam! Archives #2 published September 1999
as The Haunted House [Story on Interior Page(s)]
Beck, in a page by page anaylsis of this story (printed in Alter Ego #129 (November 2014), specifically states that Parker wrote the story, he (Beck) did the layouts and all figures, while Costanza supplied most of the striking backgrounds. Credits above revised to conform to this statement.
Gamblers of Death

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Captain Marvel [Billy Batson]; Jack Scott (track athlete); Jose Angelo (track athlete); "Long Shot" Louis Lupo (villain, gambler); unnamed sniper (villain)
Risking death, Billy investigates a phantom gambling ring which uses men's lives as chips in a fantastic game of murder for money.
FlagFlashback #2 published January 1973
FlagThe Shazam! Archives #2 published September 1999
as Gamblers of Death [Story on Interior Page(s)]
Inker credit per Alter Ego #126 (July 2014). According to the article, this story was the FIRST Beck-Costanza art collaboration.
Sivana the Weather Wizard

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Captain Marvel [Billy Batson]; unnamed President of the National Insurance Association; Beautia Sivana; Dr. Thaddeus Bodog Sivana (villain); Herman (villain)
Billy seeks to learn why there has been ten times as much damage by tornado, earthquake, hail storms, and floods than the previous year, disasters that threaten to bankrupt American insurance companies. However, when he learns that one company in particular has benefitted greatly from these disasters, Billy smells a rat and it's Captain Marvel who discovers the truth and the man behind it: Sivana!
FlagFlashback #2 published January 1973
FlagThe Shazam! Archives #2 published September 1999
as Sivana the Weather Wizard [Story on Interior Page(s)]

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