Subject Matter
adventure, military
G.I. Joe [Scarlett; Snake-Eyes; Lt. Falcon; Psych-Out; Mainframe; Wild Bill; Payload; Alpine; Flint; Duke; Dogfight; Shipwreck; Lightfoot; Stalker; Tunnel Rat; Tripwire; Spirit; Cover Girl; Wildcard; Steeler; Dial-Tone; Zap; Long Range; Cross Country; Clutch; Hawk; Gung-Ho; Sgt. Slaughter]; Trip; Cobra [Cobra Commander; Vipers; Doctor Mindbender; Tele-Vipers; Night Vipers; Crimson Guardsmen; Toxo-Viper; Aero-Vipers; HISS Driver]; Polly; Joe Colton; Jane; Blue Ninjas
First Line:
The Joes return to the Pit to find Cobra has abandoned it and assembled a heavy tank division nearby. The Cobras left booby traps on the Joes' tanks but when the Joes roll out their vehicles to engage Cobra, Cobra Commander discovers Snake-Eyes had removed the explosives and planted them on HISS Tanks. Cobra Commander engages in a suicidal attack on Duke and is destroyed, but is then revealed to have been a Blue Ninja impostor. Joe and Jane return to explain the secrets of the new Pit to the Joes.
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