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Issue: The Magdalena / Angelus #1/2
Publication Date: January 2000
Disclose Detail
Is Variant Variant: Ching Cover
Publisher: FlagTop Cow; Wizard
Brand: object(PgSql\Result)#3 (0) { }
On Sale Date: (not set)
Volume: none
Pages: 28
ISBN: none
UPC/EAN: none
Price: none entered
Indicia Frequency: none
Content Items: 1 (0 stories, 1 cover)
3 (1 story, 1 cover) from base issue
Editor(s): Renae Geerlings
Disclose Notes: Mail away comic available through Wizard the Comics Magazine #108.
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Disclose Format
Publication Type: Comic Book
Color: color
Dimensions: standard Modern Age US
Paper Stock: glossy
Binding: saddle-stitched
Publishing Format: one-shot
Format Notes:  
Disclose Reprinted In1
reprinted as a Content Item in another Issue.
Disclose Reprinted From0
There is currently no data for this Issue being reprinted from anywhere.
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Issue Image
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Illustration  on  Cover, Front
Brian Ching
Marlo Alquiza
Steve Firchow
Subject Matter
fantasy, occult
Magdalena; Angelus
Magdalena [Sister Mariella]; Angelus
FlagMagdalena: Blood Divine #1 published January 2002
as Cover Gallery [Cover Reprint (on Interior Page) on Interior Page(s)]
Variant cover has a gold foil "Wizard Special Edition" bullet on the cover.

Story  on  Interior Page(s) from base issue
Marcia Chen
Brian Ching
Marlo Alquiza; Jason Gorder; Richard Bonk; Danny Miki
Matt Nelson
Dreamer Design; Dennis Heisler; Robin Spehar
Subject Matter
fantasy, occult
Magdalena; Angelus
Magdalena [Sister Mariella]; Angelus; Dark Queen [Appolonia Franchetti]
I am the Angelus. I am the light.
The Magdalena is sent deep into the heart of the Amazon jungle to the hiding place of the fabled Spear of Destiny. She battles the Angelus who inhabits the temple and protects the Spear. The human daughter of the Angelus uses the Spear to infuse herself with the power of the Darkness and defeats Magdalena. The Angelus, however, cannot abide her daughter's dark power and drives her off.
The Magdalena / Angelus Sketchbook

Illustration  on  Interior Page(s) from base issue
Annie Skiles
Brian Ching
Marlo Alquiza; Jason Gorder; Richard Bonk; Danny Miki
Subject Matter
fantasy, occult
Magdalena; Angelus
Presents layouts, pencils and inks for the story.

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