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Issue: 64 Pages of New Captain Marvel Adventures #2
Publication Date: January 1941
Disclose Detail
Variant: unnamed
Publisher: FlagFawcett
Brand: none
Indicia Publisher: Fawcett Publications Inc.
On Sale Date: 04/23/1941
Volume: 1
Pages: 68
ISBN: none
UPC/EAN: none
Price: $0.10 USD
Indicia Frequency:
Content Items: 7 (5 stories, 1 cover)
Editor(s): France Herron
Disclose Notes: The series title as given in the indicia for this issue is "64 Pages of New Captain Marvel Adventures."

On sale date from the publication date as submitted to the U.S. Copyright Office found in the Catalog of Copyright Entries; Part 1; Group 2; Pamphlets, Leaflets, Contributions to Newspapers or Periodicals, Etc., Lectures, Sermons, Addresses for Oral Deliveries, Maps; 1941; New Series; Volume 38; Number 5. Copyright number: AA 364771.
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Disclose Format
Publication Type: Comic Book
Color: color
Dimensions: standard Golden Age U.S. (7 3/4" x 10 10/16")
Paper Stock: glossy cover; newsprint inerior
Binding: saddle-stitched
Publishing Format: was ongoing series
Format Notes:  
Disclose Reprinted From0
There is currently no data for this Issue being reprinted from anywhere.
Disclose Images1
Cover, Front
Original Artwork
Digital Edition
Adult Image
Title Page
Indicia on this Page

Illustration  on  Cover, Front
Subject Matter
Captain Marvel
Captain Marvel; Billy Batson; Nazi soldier
FlagFlashback #15 published January 1974
FlagThe Shazam! Archives #3 published January 2002
as Cover - Captain Marvel Adventures #2 [Cover Reprint (on Interior Page) on Interior Page(s)]
Alter Ego #141 (August 2016) features the original art to this cover on page 70, and it features a paste over head, which hides the original Beck drawn head. This original cover also lists the issue number as #3, not #2.
World of the Microscope

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Captain Marvel
Captain Marvel [Billy Batson]; Beautia Sivana; Dr. Thaddeus Bodog Sivana (villain); The Germ-People (villains, introduction for all)
Sivana uses his latest discovery to shrink Captain Marvel and Beautia in size, landing them in a microscopic world, where they face an array of dangers including Sivana himself.
FlagFlashback #15 published January 1974
FlagThe Shazam! Archives #3 published January 2002
as World of the Microscope [Story on Interior Page(s)]
Writer from Bails' Who's Who. Confirmed by use of passive voice, run on sentences held together by ellipses. Limited use of sound effects, including OHHH, OOOP and the phrase "peerless strength".

Activity  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Play Square With Captain Marvel
Captain Marvel [Billy Batson]
FlagFlashback #15 published January 1974
Invasion from Mars

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Captain Marvel
Captain Marvel [Billy Batson]; Sterling Morris; Henderson (astronomer); The Spider Men from Mars (villains, introduction for all, all on Earth die); unnamed King of Mars (villain, introduction, reforms)
Captain Marvel battles the Spider Men from Mars, who have invaded the Earth, and whom, he discovers, are robots!
FlagFlashback #15 published January 1974
FlagThe Shazam! Archives #3 published January 2002
as Invasion from Mars [Story on Interior Page(s)]
The Curse of the Scorpion

Text Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Captain Marvel
Captain Marvel [Billy Batson]; Shazam [aka High Priest of Siam]; Betty Wallace; Howell (Billy's boss); Dr. Stephen Lang (archaeologist); Professor Luther Bentley (archaeologist); James Malcolm (backer of expedition)
Billy joins a group of archaeologists who are involved in tomb excavations and are just about to obtain information about the ancient Scorpion Dynasty when the expedition discovers the Golden Scorpion and adjusts its lenses, causing an explosion. When the smoke clears, Billy stands before the ancient High Priest of Siam named Shazam, who gives Billy strange powers which transform him into the mighty Captain Marvel! After the group divides the lenses up among themselves, with one being given the Scorpion itself, they flee the tomb and begin crossing a swinging bridge, which suddenly collapses.
FlagFlashback #15 published January 1974
FlagThe Shazam! Archives #3 published January 2002
as The Curse of the Scorpion [Text Story on Interior Page(s)]
recounts 1st episode of Adventures of Captain Marvel movie serial.
The Pirate's Treasure

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Captain Marvel
Captain Marvel [Billy Batson]; Sterling Morris; unnamed sailor (death); Captain Thaddeus Heth (villain, introduction, death); Mozo (villain, introduction, death); Esau Grommett (villain, introduction, death)
Mr. Morris sends Billy out to discover the truth behind the strange murder of a poor sailor, and Billy finds himself shanghaied aboard the pirate ship "Sea Witch", heading for an isolated island where the Captain of the ship seeks the sunken treasure of Tamungu just off shore.
FlagFlashback #15 published January 1974
FlagThe Shazam! Archives #3 published January 2002
as The Pirate's Treasure [Story on Interior Page(s)]
The Arson Fiend

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Captain Marvel
Captain Marvel [Billy Batson]; Sterling Morris; Mr. Barclay (introduction, death); Mike (introduction); The Arson Fiend [George D. Tweedle] (villain, introduction, death)
Captain Marvel investigates reports of a strange little man carrying a small black bag, selling fire insurance. When a business fails to buy it, a strange arsonist appears on the scene and sets the place on fire.
FlagFlashback #15 published January 1974
FlagThe Shazam! Archives #3 published January 2002
as The Arson Fiend [Story on Interior Page(s)]

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