Subject Matter
adventure, military
Billy's mom; Onihashi, the Swordsmith (flashback; death); Dan (Cobra Commander's brother, cameo death in flashback); Cobra [Cobra Commander II [Fred VII]; Crimson Guard; Viper troopers; Dr. Mindbender]; Red Ninjas
As Billy's mom meets up with Storm Shadow and Billy through Jinx, Fred decides to pay a visit to Zartan, who finds out who Fred truly is when he removes his helmet. Zartan gives his origin story to Fred about how he joined Cobra, as the Commander paid him to kill Snake-Eyes, whom he believed was responsible for his brother Dan's death in an accident involving him and Snake-Eyes's family (when in reality Dan was the culprit due to his drunk driving that night). Zartan goes on about how he infiltrated the Arashikage ninja clan via the backdoor, when he apprenticed himself to Onihashi, their swordsmith, while Snake-eyes was studying with them. He had a change of heart however, when he created his first sword alongside Onihashi, but the Commander thratened to expose him if he didn't complete the contract between them, so he was forced to kill Snake-Eyes, but failed when he killed the Hard Master instead (donning the Cloak of the Chameleon to diguise himself as Snake-Eyes (issue #26 and #27)), using a sound amplifier on his bow and one of Storm Shadow's arrows. Fred tells him that Storm Shadow has dropped his quest for vengeance, but Zartan believes otherwise, and has planted a trap for him. To be continued...
Reprint Notes:
Zartan's origin is further revealed in the series, as well as in the G.I. Joe: Dreadnoks Declassified (Devil's Due Publications, 2006 series) series #'s 1-3.