Subject Matter
General Hollingsworth; General Leiderkranz; N'Goto; El Jefe; Billy; Minh; Tyrone; Royal Canadian Mounted Police (R.C.M.P.) [Sgt.Fournier]; Sheik Faoud Ibn Sirhan; Minister Bakana; Lin Wu Zing; Jean Baptiste Marais; The Jugglers; Cobra [Cobra Commander (returned); Cobra Commander [Fred VII]; Zartan; Voltar; Dr. Mindbender; Firefly; Crimson Guard [Fred series (VIII, et al)]; Cobra troopers; Cobra officers; deactivated B.A.T.S.]
With the Joes still in Canada, Fred VII and company in Denver dig up the Commander's remains, but only a bloodied shirt is found. The real deal arrives and explains how he survived Fred's shot from behind, thanks to his truly loyal C.G.'s fixing him up. While recovering, he began to reamass his fortune, and now arrives with Fred and company to bury them alive in the landlocked freighter on Cobra Island, taking leadership once more. Meanwhile, Hawk and Hollingsworth are called by the Jugglers to discuss disbanding the team, given Cobra's a legit organization now, as the Dreadnoks are freed.
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