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Issue: The Green Hornet #3
Publication Date: January 1990
Disclose Detail
Is Variant Variant: Newsstand
Rating: Approved by the Comics Code Authority
Publisher: FlagNow
Brand: object(PgSql\Result)#3 (0) { }
Indicia Publisher: NOW Comics
On Sale Date: (not set)
Volume: 1
Pages: 36
UPC/EAN: 07098933138901
Price: $2.25 CAD
$1.75 USD
Indicia Frequency: Approved by the Comics Code Authority
Content Items: 0 (0 stories, 0 covers)
4 (2 stories, 1 cover) from base issue
Editor(s): Tony Caputo (editor in chief); Katherine Llewellyn (editor)
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Publication Type: Comic Book
Color: color
Dimensions: standard Modern Age US
Paper Stock: Glossy cover; Baxter interior
Binding: saddle-stitched
Publishing Format: was ongoing series
Format Notes:  
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Cover, Front
Original Artwork
Digital Edition
Adult Image
Title Page
Indicia on this Page

Illustration  on  Cover, Front from base issue
Lenin Delsol (painting, signed)
Lenin Delsol (painting, signed)
Lenin Delsol (painting, signed)
Subject Matter
Green Hornet
Kato II; Green Hornet II
The Origin and End of Green Hornet II

Story  on  Interior Page(s) from base issue
Ron Fortier
Lenin Delsol (pages 1-14); Jeff Butler (pages 15-24)
David Mowry
"The Staff"
Patrick Williams
Subject Matter
crime, superhero
Green Hornet
Green Hornet II [Britt Reid II] (origin continued); Kato II [Hayashi Kato] (origin continued); Montrano (villain, introduction); Lucky Marington (villain, introduction); Britt Reid I; Diana Reid; Paul Reid; Alan Reid; Broxton (villain, introduction); Desmaines (villain, introduction); Ruth H. Reid; "Jackknife" Devane (villain, dies); David Devane (villain, introduction); Angela Devane (villain, introduction)
Continued from last issue...June 1968: The second Green Hornet and associate spend a night making their existence known to various underworld figures, demanding information about the assassination of Senator Carlson (and bugging their homes, cars or offices) in the process. After eavesdropping on a resultant big meeting, during which some veterans recommend capitulation, the Hornet interrupts the proceedings via a phone call. They tell him that the shooter appears to have been an ex-CIA agent named Desmaines, working for industrialist Dave Broxton. Research reveals that Broxton is profiting from selling ammunition to the military for use in Vietnam, while a major plank in Carlson's presidential campaign platform was to pull the country out of that war. That was Broxton's motive. While the two Britts and Kato discuss what to do next, they are unknowingly overheard by college student/protester Diana Reid, who is shocked. A meeting set up ostensibly to blackmail Broxton yields a taped confession. In a newsmagazine telecast on June 18, 1968, Britt II reports that Broxton has committed suicide and Desmaines has gone into hiding. He also refers to "unfounded reports concerning the reappearance of a notorious underworld figure not heard of in over twenty years." The second Green Hornet's career is off and running. October 2, 1979: District Attorney Diana Reid holds a press conference about the busted arms deal of the previous night and the Green Hornet's involvement (see last issue). Later, Britt II gives Diana all the details of the incident, including the overheard name Garrick, whom she says must be high-priced attorney Philip Garrick, who now works almost exclusively for crime boss "Jackknife" Devane. A visit from the Green Hornet is indicated. Simultaneously with this conversation, chasing an errant football leads pre-teens Alan and Paul to discover the original Black Beauty in the Reid estate's old stables. That night, the two masked men invade the Devane mansion. Jackknife's son David pulls a pistol, but Kato disarms and kayos him. The old man stands right up to the Green Hornet and says, "You got absolutely nothing on me, and you know it." Calling Devane "an old fool who doesn't know when to quit," the Hornet indicates to Kato that it is time to leave. As the masked men depart, Devane kneels over his son, when someone else enters the room and shoots him. As the Hornet and Kato approach the Black Beauty, they hear gunshots from the house but before they can investigate, the man in green collapses. The next day's Sentinel carries two headlines: "Green Hornet Prime Suspect in Devane Murder" and "Communications Magnate Suffers Coronary"!
(pages 15-24 only) in "The Green Hornet" (hardback book), NOW Comics & Bonus Books, 1990.
See Indexer's note for the main story in the previous issue for the explanation of the two segments with different artists; the name Marington is spelled Marrington the first, but only the first, time it appears; issue #5 will give the elder Devane's first name as Joey, and he is presumably the same Joey as the young thug in #1's main story; nothing further is ever made of Diana's accidental, unknown-to-anyone-else and shocking (to her) discovery of the Reid family secret; writer Ron Fortier told "Comics Scene" magazine (#9, [October] 1989) that Diana was to be police commissioner.
The Reid Family Tree/The Kato Family Tree

Text Story  on  Interior Page(s) from base issue
Ron Fortier
Subject Matter
Minimal family trees for the series' two pivotal clans.

Promotional Material (from Publisher)  on  Interior Page(s) from base issue
Marc Hansen (signed)
Marc Hansen (signed)
Subject Matter
NOW Newsflash!
An essay announcing a new promotional dramatic documentary video (it uses a fictional mystery story to describe the workings of NOW Comics) illustrated by a cartoon drawing, and two upcoming miniseries, "Terminator: The Burning Earth" and "Little Monsters," both derived from movie properties. Alongside this is a column of entries describing nine issues "on sale NOW," including creative talent credits and synopses.
Hansen's b/w drawing is tied to the described video (it also appears, in color, in a house ad for the tape), but is otherwise unidentifiable; there is no staff list this month; this feature has a purple background and appeared on the last interior page of most NOW comics of this cover date.

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