There is no month printed on the cover or in the indicia. This comic was based on the Gorgo movie, which per the indicia was released in 1960. An April newsstand date would equate to a June 1961 cover date.
On-sale date from Bestsellers (Newsdealer Magazine Inc., 1960 series) v15#8 (October 1960).
Gorgo, a giant lizard-like creature, is spewed from the bottomless depths by a volcanic eruption off the coast of a small Irish Island. The monster comes ashore and wreaks havoc before being driven off by torches. Gorgo gets captured with shark nets and sold to the Dorkin London Circus where he is put on display. It's discovered that Gorgo is only an infant and that a similar but larger creature has attacked Nara Island. That creature is Gorgos mother and she follows the scent of her offspring to England. After destroying much of London and rescuing her offspring, the two return to the sea.
Indicia states the movie was released in 1960. Other sources state it was 1961.
The adaptation contains scenes not present in the film, such as prehistoric fish being released by the volcanic explosion, the divers who discover Gorgo being attacked by a giant octopus, and Gorgo battling a killer whale.
The locals of the Irish Island called the monster Ogra after an ancient sea spirit but the owner of the Dorkin London Circus renames the creature Gorgo.
Gorgo is displayed as the "8th Wonder of the World" a moniker used for King Kong.
Advice on creating a new game (Tennis Basketball), a party game (a verbal game where people change historical facts called "If") and a description of Iceland.
Reprint Notes:
Things to make, things to do, things to know.