Subject Matter
Suicide Squad [Deadshot [Floyd Lawton]; Colonel Rick Flag; Katana [Tatsu Yamashiro]; Killer Croc [Waylon Jones]; Enchantress [June Moone]; Captain Boomerang [George "Digger" Harkness]; Harley Quinn [Harleen Quinzel]; Hack [Zalika] (lifeless body); El Diablo [Chato Santana]]; Amanda Waller; The Burning World [Rustam [Raza Kattuah]; Djinn; Manticore; Jaculi; Ravan (death)]; unnamed repair crew; Emelia Harcourt; Zoe Lawton; Leanna; unnamed police officers; unnamed firefighters; unnamed politician (survivor from last issue); Batman [Bruce Wayne]; Blackgate prison escapees; Coretta Waller (flashback); Martin Waller (flashback); Jessie Waller (flashback); General Zod; Lex Luthor
Amanda Waller makes a surprising return from death to rally the Squad to defeat Rustam and the Burning Sun. In the aftermath, we learn how Waller set up her "death" and Deadshot's betrayal to manipulate Rustam's team into killing certain political enemies of Waller. Waller is put back in charge of Task Force X, and vows to find out who killed Hack.
Reprint Notes:
Believing that Deadshot betrayed the Squad, Katana cuts off Lawton's left hand. At the end of the issue, Lawton replaces the hand with a cybernetic one.
Waller states that because her team brought in Rustam and his team, the new president has forgiven the Max Lord business (from the Justice League vs. Suicide Squad series), and placed Amanda back in charge of Task Force X.