Subject Matter
Forgotten Heroes [Dolphin; Rip Hunter; Animal-Man [Buddy Baker]; Captain Comet; Adam Strange; Atomic Knight]; The Outsiders [Geo-Force; Metamorpho [Rex Mason]; Halo; Black Lightning]; Justice Society of America [Superman [Kal-L] (Earth-2); Wonder Woman [Diana Prince Trevor] (Earth-2); Spectre [Jim Corrigan]; Starman [Ted Knight]; Power Girl [Kara Zor-L]; Flash [Jay Garrick]; Johnny Thunder (Earth-2); Johnny Thunder's Thunderbolt; Huntress [Helena Wayne] (death); Robin (Earth-2) (death)]; Infinity Inc. [Star-Spangled Kid; Fury [Lyta Trevor]; Jade]; Green Arrow (Earth-2) (death); New Teen Titans [Red Star; Kid Flash [Wally West; becomes the Flash]; Aqualad [Garth]; Cyborg [Victor Stone]; Hawk [Hank Hall]; Dove (death); Kole (death); Wonder Girl [Donna Troy]; Changeling [Gar Logan]; Nightwing [Dick Grayson]]; Freedom Fighters [Uncle Sam; Black Condor; The Ray; Human Bomb; Doll Man]; Challengers of the Unknown [Rocky Davis; Red Ryan; June Robbins; Prof. Haley; Ace Morgan]; Doom Patrol [Tempest [Joshua Clay]; Negative Woman]; Lt. Marvels [Uncle Marvel; Fat Marvel; Tall Marvel; Hillbilly Marvel]; Marvel Family [Mary Marvel [Mary Batson]; Captain Marvel [Billy Batson]; Captain Marvel Jr.]; Inferior Five [Dumb Bunny; Blimp; Merryman]; Justice League of America [Superman (Earth-1); Wonder Woman (Earth-1; devolved by the Anti-Monitor); Phantom Stranger; Aquaman; Hawkman [Katar Hol]; Hawkwoman [Shayera Thal]; Elongated Man [Ralph Dibny]; Martian Manhunter [J'onn J'onzz]; Firestorm; Vixen; Zatanna; Flash [Barry Allen] (cameo); Batman (Earth-1)]; Global Guardians [Little Mermaid; Impala; Rising Sun; Jack O'Lantern; Godiva; Thunderlord; Doctor Mist; Green Fury; Owlwoman]; Robin [Jason Todd]; Hippolyta; Deadman [Boston Brand]; Harbinger [Lyla Michaels]; Dr. Light [Kimiyo Hoshi]; Blue Beetle [Ted Kord]; Peacemaker; Air Wave [Hal Jordan]; Blue Devil [Dan Cassidy]; Judomaster; Lori Lemaris (death); Ronal; Mera; B'wana Beast; Black Orchid; Thunder; Lightning; Captain Atom; Superboy (Earth-Prime); Lady Quark; Pariah; Firehawk; Lana Lang; Lois Lane; Batgirl [Barbara Gordon]; Zatara; The Demon; Madame Xanadu; Dr. Occult; Psycho-Pirate [Roger Hayden]; Wildcat [Yolanda Montez]; Son of Vulcan; Vigilante [Adrian Chase]; Prince Ra-Man [Mark Merlin] (death); Warlord [Travis Morgan]; Vigilante [Greg Sanders]; Cave Carson; Zeus; Steve Trevor (Earth-2); Horatio Tomorrow; The Planeteers; Tommy Tomorrow (would have become Kamandi); Jonah Hex; The Monitor (flashback); Harlequin [Molly Mayne]; The Enchantress; Brainiac; Sunburst (death); Electrocutioner; Darkseid; Black Bison; The Wizard; Felix Faust; Blackbriar Thorn; Circe; Clayface [Matt Hagen] (death); Bug-Eyed Bandit (death); Ten-Eyed Man (death); Desaad; Sargon the Sorcerer (part of Earth's magic cabal); Anti-Monitor (villain, death); Shadow Demons (villains, death)
First Line:
Dolphin, beautiful siren of the Seven Seas.
The final battle between the Anti-Monitor and the heroes begins on two fronts: one on Earth, the other in the anti-matter universe. After great loss and suffering on both fronts, the Superman of Earth-2 delivers the final blow to the Anti-Monitor and goes into a limbo alongside Superboy of Earth-Prime, his wife Lois Lane Kent of Earth-2, and Alex Luthor Jr. of Earth-3.
Reprint Notes:
Job Number:
The deaths of Robin of Earth-2 and the Huntress are not confirmed until the Last Days of Justice Society Special (DC, 1986 series) #1. Wonder Woman of Earth-1 is devolved into clay by a weakened anti-matter blast from the Anti-Monitor and her history is subsequently erased backwards through time per the Legend of Wonder Woman (DC, 1986 series). Kid Flash takes on the mantle of The Flash, though he is said to be limited to three times the speed of sound. The only persons who remember the multiverse are Roger Hayden (the Psycho Pirate), Pariah, Harbinger, and Lady Quark.
Ordway pencils and PĂ©rez inks credits from Crisis on Infinite Earths The Compendium.