Subject Matter
espionage, superhero
Suicide Squad
Amanda Waller; Suicide Squad [Bronze Tiger [Ben Turner]; Captain Boomerang [George Harkness; also as Digger]; Duchess [Lashina]; Dr. Light [Arthur Light]; Jewelee; Nightshade [Eve Eden]; Punch; Ravan; Vixen [Mari McCabe]]; Checkmate [Harry Stein; Harvey Bullock; Black Thorn [Elizabeth Thorne]; Checkmate Knight [Gary Washington]; Checkmate Knights]; Valentina Vostok; Peacemaker [Chris Smith]; Manhunter [Mark Shaw]; Firestorm [Ronnie Raymond; Mikhail Arkadin; Svarozhich]; Major Force [Clifford Zmeck]; Lois Lane; Dr. Heinrich Megala; Babylon; Captain Atom [Nathaniel Adam]; King Faraday; Sarge Steel; General Wade Eiling; Force of July [Major Victory; Lady Liberty; Silent Majority]; Flo Crawley; Murph [Daniel Murphy]; Warden John Economos; Briscoe; J. Dansfield Kale; Simon LaGrieve; Kobra (villain); Blackadders (villains); Dr. Valland (villain)
Checkmate, the CBI and Project Atom all attack the Suicide Squad headquarters in order to get to Waller. Once a hasty truce has been called between all teams, Waller explains that she was pretending to be a Kobra doppelganger so they wouldn't catch on to the fact that she was still herself and she could learn what she needed to know about their master plan. Waller begins to explain the true repercussions of Kobra's Janus Directive.
Reprint Notes:
Job Number:
Story continues from Firestorm the Nuclear Man (DC, 1987 series) #86 and story continues in Checkmate (DC, 1988 series) #18.