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Issue: Strange Tales #146
Disclose Detail
Variant: U.S. Cover Price
Rating: Approved by the Comics Code Authority
Publisher: FlagMarvel
Indicia Publisher: Vista Publications Inc.
On Sale Date: 04/19/1966
Volume: 1
Pages: 36
ISBN: none
UPC/EAN: none
Price: $0.12 USD
Indicia Frequency: Approved by the Comics Code Authority
Content Items: 5 (2 stories, 1 cover)
Disclose Notes: Probable arrival date based on front cover stamp of indexer's copy.
Catalog of Copyright Entries, 1966 Periodicals, page 336, states 1966-04-12 is the publication date.
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Disclose Format
Publication Type: Comic Book
Color: Color
Dimensions: Standard Golden Age US and standard Silver Age US
Paper Stock: Glossy cover; Newsprint interior
Binding: Saddle-stitched
Publishing Format: Was Ongoing Series
Format Notes:  
Disclose Reprinted From0
There is currently no data for this Issue being reprinted from anywhere.
Disclose Images1
Cover, Front
Original Artwork
Digital Edition
Adult Image
Title Page
Indicia on this Page
The End at Last!

Illustration  on  Cover, Front
Subject Matter
Dr. Strange; Eternity
FlagDoctor Strange, Master of the Mystic Arts #[1] published June 1978
FlagMarvel Masterworks: Doctor Strange #2 [Regular Edition] published September 2005
FlagAgente Internacional #12 published ?
FlagTerrific! #34 published December 1967
as The End At Last! [Illustration on Cover, Front]
FlagEssential Dr. Strange #1 [unnamed variant] published December 2001
as Strange Tales #146 [Cover Reprint (on Interior Page) on Interior Page(s)]
FlagMarvel Visionaries: Steve Ditko #[nn] published January 2005
as The End At Last! [Cover Reprint (on Interior Page) on Interior Page(s)]
First full DR. STRANGE cover; alternates with SHIELD until end of run in STRANGE TALES #168 (May 1968).
Images taken from interior Dr. Strange story.
When the Unliving Strike!

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Nick Fury; Jasper Sitwell; Dum Dum Dugan; Count Bornag Royale (Ambassador for A.I.M. / Advanced Idea Mechanics); "THEM"
Aboard the Heli-Carrier Count Royale, a representative of A.I.M. (Advanced Idea Mechanics) a society of the world's greatest intellects, is offended by SHIELD's security measures. Fury uses a sonic vibrator to blast into an underwater base but is trapped between electric energy waves. A stalemate occurs when Fury reveals he has fission bombs that would blow up the base. A group of androids escape and trample AIM's hordes. Royale tells SHIELD's directors he cannot offer AIM's services and technology under their current leader. Defeating the androids Fury suspects A.I.M behind the operation.
FlagSHIELD [Nick Fury and His Agents of SHIELD] #1 published February 1973
as When the Unliving Strike! [Story on Interior Page(s)]minus 1 page
FlagMarvel Masterworks: Nick Fury, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. #1 [Regular Edition] published October 2007
as When the Unliving Strike! [Story on Interior Page(s)]
Part 2 of 5. Story continues from TALES OF SUSPENSE #78 (June 1966), and presumably the flashback in STRANGE TALES #160-161 (Sept-Oct 1967) which was "too secret" for anyone to talk about. The android-growing tanks appear to pay tribute to THE THING FROM ANOTHER WORLD (1951). 1st published appearance of Count Royale; based on the dialogue the story takes place after his appearance in this month's TALES OF SUSPENSE #79 (July 1966) since his motivations in this story are questionable (his guilt is confirmed in the Captain America episode). Stark's problems with the Senate in TALES OF SUSPENSE #72-84 (December 1965-December 1966) are mentioned; his plant is forcibly shut down in SUSPENSE #78 (June 1966) presumably allowing A.I.M. to offer their technology to SHIELD.
Incredible, Indubitable, Interminable Items to Startle Your Sense and Soothe Your Soul!

In-house Column  on  Interior Page(s)
Bulletins; The Mighty Marvel Checklist; Let's Meet 26 More M.M.M.S. Members!
The End -- at Last!

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Dormammu; Eternity; Dr. Strange; The Ancient One; Baron Mordo; Clea
Using his mystic powers to temporarily bind the sleeping Eternity Dormammu lures Strange to another dimension and challenges him but as they begin their mystical combat Eternity breaks free. He tells Dormammu to end the violence, but instead he attacks Eternity. Their encounter is brief and destructive as Dormammu is smashed between two colliding spheres. Eternity vanishes while Strange is hurled between dimensions and rescued by The Ancient One. Strange releases all those who were banished by him, including Baron Mordo and Clea, who he affectionately bids farewell to for the time being.
FlagMarvel Masterworks: Doctor Strange #2 [Regular Edition] published September 2005
FlagMarvel Treasury Edition #6 [Regular Edition] published January 1975
as The End-- at Last! [Story on Interior Page(s)]
FlagEssential Dr. Strange #1 [unnamed variant] published December 2001
as The End -- At Last! [Story on Interior Page(s)]
FlagMarvel Visionaries: Steve Ditko #[nn] published January 2005
as The End -- At Last! [Story on Interior Page(s)]
Part 17 of 17. Second appearance of Eternity. Previous appearance in STRANGE TALES #138 (November 1965). Next appearance in DR. STRANGE #180 (May 1969). Dormammu returns in DR. STRANGE #172 (September 1968). Clea's name finally revealed in this episode. Steve Ditko's last issue.

Letters Page  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Dear Stan, In Strange Tales #142, S.H.I.E.L.D. was fantastic...
Letters of comment from Mickey Schwaberow; John LaForgia; Chuck Elliot; Don Gardner; and Mrs. James R. Gordon. Also includes Merry Marvel Marching Society info and coupon.

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