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Issue: Katy Keene Comics #3
Publication Date: July 1951
Disclose Detail
Variant: unnamed
Rating: [no rating]
Brand: object(PgSql\Result)#3 (0) { }
Indicia Publisher: Close-Up Inc.
On Sale Date: 07/03/1951
Volume: none
Pages: 36
ISBN: none
UPC/EAN: none
Price: $0.10 USD
Indicia Frequency: none
Content Items: 11 (4 stories, 1 cover)
Disclose Notes: On-sale date from copyright registration. Indexed from scanned copy at http://comicbookplus.com/
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Disclose Format
Publication Type: Comic Book
Color: color
Dimensions: standard Golden Age, then standard Silver Age US
Paper Stock: glossy cover; newsprint interior
Publishing Format: was ongoing series
Format Notes:  
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There is currently no data for this Issue being reprinted anywhere.
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Cover, Front
Original Artwork
Digital Edition
Adult Image
Title Page
Indicia on this Page

Illustration  on  Cover, Front
Subject Matter
K. O. Kelly; Katy Keene
Katy, if you bought me a tie to match me eyes it had better be black 'cause I just lost me fight!

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
humorous, informational
Katy Keene; Sis; Danny O'Connel; C.P.
In the casting office of a big Hollywood movie studio
Katy gets a part as a princess, giving her and Sis dreams of fairytale royalty, but she turns out to be a Native American princess.
Katy's princess gown by Paula Sue Traub (Bronx, NY), Janette DeLaFosse (Groveton, TX), Sue Bell (Bronx, NY), Nancy Connor (Charlotte, NC), Faye Morrow (Fall River, MA), Myra Leo (Pittsburgh, PA), June McCray (Waynesville, MO), Carol Stern (Round Lake, MN), Patsy Barnett (Littlefield, TX), Patsy Kananen (Conneaut, OH), Carolyn DeBoer (Detroit 6, MI), and Marie Alina (Honolulu, HI); Katy's pajamas and pose by Carol Ann Santo (Lincoln Park 25, MI); Chinese P.J.'s on Sis by Cheryl Whitehead (Alameda, CA); Sis's negligee by Betty Emmons (Flemingsburg, KY); Katy's negligee by Barbara Ponsack (Seattle, WA); pose and design by Kay Clancy (Albany, GA); P.J.'s and pose by Jackie Tober (Salt Lake City, UT); Katy's ermine cloak by Belle Frier (Cartersville, GA); princess gown by Robert Dailey (Bradford, PA); princess gown by Connie Ilene Garrow (Belen, NM); princess gown by Yvonne Singleton (West Palm Beach, FL); gown by Vincent Pastena (Bloomfield, NJ); gown below by Arleene Beckmann (Lynbrook, NY); Katy's blouse by Carolyn Brinkley (Morganton, NC); Sis's dress by Virginia Beierlein; Katy's skirt by Juanita Kuhn (Shelbyville, IN); Indian princess costume by Mary Zelma Asseo (New York 23, NY).

Illustration  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Katy Fashions
Katy Keene
Beach hat by Mrs. L.D. Wooden (Paonia, CO); playsuit by Dawn Hamblin (Grayling, MI); map suit by Judy Conover (Templeton, CA); swimsuit by Mary Jane Schmitz (Port Washington, WI); tennis outfit by Connie Jurczak (Johnson City, NY); beach bag by Janel Goss (Glendale 2, CA); swim suit by Ronald Shaban (Brinkley, AR).

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
humorous, informational
Katy Keene; Smiley; Sis; K.O. Kelly; Jughead Jones (cameo); Archie Andrews (cameo); Suzie (cameo); Wilbur Wilkin (cameo); Betty Cooper (cameo); Veronica Lodge (cameo)
Here's wishing for that big break in the movies!
Inspired by the letters from her readers with polio, Katy continually runs across lucky objects (four-leaf clover, shooting star, etc.) and wishes that her fans would donate to the March of Dimes.
Splash page dress by Liana Kolb (Maywood, NJ); Katy's housecoat by Patricia Sykes (Philadelphia 46, PA); Sis's outfit by Lydia May McDarment (Porterville, CA); housedress and apron by Patricia Boudreaux (Lafayette, LA); playsuit on Sis by Pamela Hansman (Seattle, WA); K.O.'s sport shirt by Doris Codding (Mansfield, MA); Katy's playsuit by Sandra Stone (Warren, PA); Sis's P.J.'s and pose by Judith Finkenbinder (Billings, MT); dresses by Carolyn Weldon (Rome, GA), Muriel V. Smith (East Orange, NJ), Barbara Evans (Philadelphia, PA), Vernece Burk (Willow Hill, IL), and Elsie Carlson (Great Neck, NY); Katy's gown and cape by Paul Grigat (Franklin Square, NY); K.O.'s evening suit by Nellie Fernandez (Colton, CA).

Several Archie Comics characters appear in the final panel requesting that readers donate to the March of Dimes.

Illustration  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Katy Fashions
Katy Keene
Apron bathing suit by Lois MacDonell (Miami 33, FL); tyrolean apron by Marilyn Honeick (Ft. Wayne, IN); chef's hat and apron by Marjorie McMaster (Tyler, TX); pinafore by Maureen Devitt (Brooklyn, NY); other designs by Verna Flint (Overland Park, KS); P. Himmerle (Pennsylvania); Barbara Walton (Philadelphia 24, PA); Judy Brandenburg (Three Rivers, MI); and Patricia Ann Bakal (Richmond, VA).

Promotional Material (from Publisher)  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Archie Andrews; Jughead Jones; Reggie Mantle; Veronica Lodge; Betty Cooper
Hello kids! We're back with a brand new Archie Annual #3.
Promo for Archie Annual (Archie, 1950 series) #3.

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
childrens, informational
Sis; Katy Keene; K.O. Kelly; Randy Van Ronson III; Chubby Chuckles; Jughead Jones (cameo)
Hey, Katy! May I buy some candy?
K.O. and Randy aren't available to date Katy (and bring Sis candy), so Sis arranges for Chubby to come over with ice cream.
Pose, dress, etc. by Clandine Paulk (Amarillo, TX); Katy's kitten blouse by Frances Barnette (Belia, WV); shoes by Claudia Cowman (Dallas, TX); outfit on Sis by Joan White (Willimantic, CT); Katy's skirt by Mickie Schryer (Dowagiac, MI); Randy's suit and tie by Joanne Bock (North Haven, CT); Katy's gown by Carol Willis (San Angelo, TX); Katy's ensemble by Mary Ann M. (Washington 8, DC); Katy's telephone dress by Sharon Raymond (Logan, UT); sweet dreams P.J.'s by Beth Talbott (Upper Marlboro, MD).

Jughead appears in the background at Chubby's sweet shop.

Illustration  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
childrens, informational
Fashions for Sis the Candy Kid
Sailor outfit by Beverly Golbin (Brooklyn 25, NY); duck to ride in water by Cynthia Loring (Hamden, CT); sun suit by Ellen Cohen (Jamaica 3, NY); candy dress by Linda Lee Swiss (Bloomfield, NJ); sun suit by Margo Nicholson (Somerset, PA); swim suit and pose by June Nelson (Grove City, MN).

Promotional Material (from Publisher)  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Thousands have asked for it! Here it is!
Promo for pin-up of Sis with over 30 cut-out outfits. Katy Keene sets #1 and #2 still available.

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
humorous, informational
Katy Keene; Danny O'Connel; Sis; K.O. Kelly; Randy Van Ronson III
Katy's horoscope says she's to see lots of stars soon...
Katy gets a movie part, but she misses her alarm and arrives late. The next day, Sis invents a alarm clock that punches Katy with a boxing glove to wake her up, but she gets a black eye and loses the part.
Star gown designed by 39 individual readers; Katy's cactus skirt and blouse by Sonja Forslund (Sacramento, CA); Katy's slip, pose, and pictures on wall by Joyce Eberhard (Rochester 6, NY); K.O.'s sweater by Kathyrine Helvey (Kingsport, TN); Katy's dragon robe by Dottie Blizzard (Port Wentworth, GA); Katy's nightie by Penny Cohen (Macon, GA); Katy's negligee by Terry Rudner (Newport, NH); pajamas on Sis by Carol Eggleston (New York 11, NY); Katy's dress and pose by Donette Pritting (Buffalo 15, NY); candy dress on Sis by Billy Roberts (Brooklyn 7, NY); Katy's nightie, pose, etc. by Wilma Blackman (Shelton, CT); buttons and bows pajamas on Sis by Sandra Jones (Ankeny, IA); Katy's hat, purse, etc. by Marvene Cole (Delano, CA).

Promotional Material (from Publisher)  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Reggie Mantle; Archie Andrews; Jughead Jones; Betty Cooper; Veronica Lodge; Mr. Weatherbee; Miss Grundy
Warning! The new Reggie Comics book is out...
Promo for Archie's Rival Reggie (Archie, 1949 series) #3 featuring Reggie lighting a stick of dynamite as Archie, Jughead, Betty, Veronica, Mr. Weatherbee, and Miss Grundy hide inside the comic book.

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