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Issue: Katy Keene Comics #8
Publication Date: December 1952
Disclose Detail
Variant: unnamed
Brand: object(PgSql\Result)#3 (0) { }
Indicia Publisher: Close-Up Inc.
On Sale Date: 09/18/1952
Volume: 1
Pages: 36
ISBN: none
UPC/EAN: none
Price: $0.10 USD
Indicia Frequency:
Content Items: 12 (5 stories, 1 cover)
Disclose Notes: On-sale date from copyright registration. Indexed from scanned copy at http://digitalcomicmuseum.com
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Disclose Format
Publication Type: Comic Book
Color: color
Dimensions: standard Golden Age, then standard Silver Age US
Paper Stock: glossy cover; newsprint interior
Publishing Format: was ongoing series
Format Notes:  
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There is currently no data for this Issue being reprinted anywhere.
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Cover, Front
Original Artwork
Digital Edition
Adult Image
Title Page
Indicia on this Page

Illustration  on  Cover, Front
Subject Matter
K.O. Kelly; Katy Keene; Sis
That left uppercut is cute, K. O.! -- Now show me how to guard myself!
Redrawn from the cover of Wilbur Comics #27.

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
humorous, informational
Katy Keene; Sis; Chubby Chuckles; Gloria Grandbilt
Today is a big day for Chubby Chuckles
Katy is dreading her beach date with Chubby but becomes jealous when Gloria steals him away.
Katy's pose, hair-do, gown, etc. by Geraldine Geremia (Bronx 61, NY); cat's meow pajamas by Virginia Daggett (Centerville, IA); Katy's nightie by Elaine Marshall (Williams, CA); Katy's undies by Judith Krebs (Garden City, KS); Sis's shorts, sunsuit, and fish beach bag by Patricia Wilkoski (Sioux City, IA); negligee on Katy by Stella Milella (Milwaukee, WI); Gloria's convertible by Lew Cash (Steubenville, OH); Katy's dress and shoes by Pat Nahquaddy (San Diego 11, CA); Katy's hat by Sharon Rose (Berkeley 5, CA); Sis's swim suit and towel by Teddy Jean Holmes (Redwood City, CA); Sis's sand pail by Marilyn McQuillan (Glenshaw, PA); Katy's heart swim suit by Dana Berry (Rector, AR); Gloria's swim suit by Marcia Wensing (Melrose, MN).

Promotional Material (from Publisher)  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Katy Keene; Sis; K.O. Kelly; Randy Van Ronson III; Gloria Grandbilt
Dear, readers, thanks for the hundreds of thousands...
Promo for new Katy Keene pin-up and cut-out sets #1-5. Sets #1-2 depict Katy, Set #3 depicts Sis, Set #4 depicts Randy and K.O., and Set #5 depicts Gloria. Orders on the older Sets #1-5 will be filled until supplies are exhausted. Free sets will be sent to any hospitalized child with polio, rheumatic fever, or TB.

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
humorous, informational
Katy Keene; Sis; Randy Van Ronson III
I'd like a new hair-do, Sis...
Katy happens to get a poodle cut just as Randy brings his French poodle Fifi around in his new dog tail car.
Portrait pose, etc. by Betty Lou Brooks (Arpin, WI); pony tail by Arline Hawkins (Salt Lake City, UT); hairdo, necklace, earring, etc. by Marie Negrea (Sharon, PA); hairdo by Judy Langer (Sun Prairie, WI); hairdo, necklace, and earrings by Levonne Jeter (Bronx 56, NY); dressing table by Dorothy Jones (Green Bay, WI); negligee by Theona Vamvakis (Bronx 54, NY); Sis's dress by Marjorie Stewart (Roberts, IL); Katy's suit by Jerry Sweet (San Diego, CA); Randy's riding habit and family crest by Ruth Sarhan (Miami, FL); Katy's hat by Dorothy Boyce (Enterprise, OR); Randy's dog tail car by Billy Boerst (Jamestown, NY), Jimmy Osborn (Juarez, Cananea Sonora, Mexico), and Stanley Tobias (no address on design); Randy's sport outfit by Goanne Bock (North Haven, CT); Katy's poodle cut by Kathryn Bill (Santa Barbara, CA).

Activity  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Katy Fashions
Katy Keene
Play suit by Mary Kegarise (Everett, PA); slip by Marlene Barber (Everett, WA); suit by Judith Latham (Clements, MD); gown by Miss C. Murray (Miami, FL); name outfit by Ann Womack (Dunedin, FL); shirt and shorts by Juliana Christie (Sumter, SC); star suit and gloves above by Joyce Mitchell (Montreal West, Quebec, Canada).

Promotional Material (from Publisher)  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Archie Andrews; Jughead Jones; Betty Cooper; Veronica Lodge; Reggie Mantle
Join the big parade to our brand new comic magazine, Archie's Pals 'n' Gals starring Archie, Jughead, Betty and Veronica, and Reggie!
Promo for Archie's Pals 'n' Gals (Archie, 1952 series) #1.

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
childrens, humorous
Sis; Bill Woggon
Our scene opens on a Monday morning in Bill Woggon's studio...
Bill Woggon can't think of what to do in his next story, so Sis jumps off the comics page to share her ideas.
Sis's candy outfit, pose, etc. by Carol Ann McCroskey (Springfield, MO); Sis's dress by Margaret Boyes (Vancouver, BC); buffalo head pipe by Bill Woggon's son Billy Woggon (Santa Barbara, CA).

Activity  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Sis Fashions
Cone outfit by Margie Douglas (Salt Lake City, UT); sun dress by Diane Bowles (New Cumberland, PA); P.J.'s by Wilma Kincaid (Beckley, WV); panties, etc. by Ann Dolan (Winona, MN); slip by Carolyn Lea (Mooresville, MO); cowgirl outfit by Gloria Hoffman (Elyria, OH).

Text Article  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Katy Sees Stars
Katy Keene
Steve Cochran Spic-and-Span for New Role

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
humorous, informational
K.O. Kelly; Danny the Demon; Katy Keene; Sis
K.O. Kelly is merrily on his way to keep a date...
Danny the Demon encourages K.O. to use his tool set to intentionally damage what he thinks is Randy's car.
K.O.'s tool set by Gene Smith (Crestview, FL); K.O.'s sport coat by Lynn Arbogast (Ashtabula, OH); car by Merrill Robinson (Amarillo, TX) and Nancy McCreight (Abilene, TX); Katy's negligee by Cynthia Beaugh (Church Point, LA); Sis's dress, shoes, and lollypop by Ronna Rae Riley (Allentown, PA); K.O.'s sweater by Marge Dorso (Brooklyn 7, NY); Katy's dress by Marilyn Dale Martin (Poquoson, VA).

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
humorous, informational
Katy Keene; Randy Van Ronson III; Sis; Billy; Sue Ann; K.O. Kelly; Windy; Gloria Grandbilt
Billy! Aren't you going to carry my books...
After Katy admonishes Sis for being jealous of Sue Ann's time with Billy, Katy gets jealous of Gloria's time with K.O. and Randy.
Katy, Randy, Sis, and Billy's poses, outfits, etc. by Shirley Jacobson (East Hampton, CT); Sis' dress by Sherry Brown (Nokesville, VA); Billy's suit by Sondra Anderson (Columbus Grove, OH); character Sue Ann suggested by Janet L. Ruth (Arcadia, CA); Sue Ann's pose, etc. by Janet also; Katy's sue ensemble by Judy Test (Wayne, MI); Gloria's outfit by Grazina Urbonas (Great Neck, NY); Katy's hairdo and clasp by Valerie Towers (Jacksonville, FL); Katy's slip by Nancy Walton (New Philadelphia, OH); Sis's outfit by Verna Flint (Overland Park, KS); Katy's apron, dress, and kitchen scene by June Chandler (San Diego, CA).

Promotional Material (from Publisher)  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Katy Keene; Gloria Grandbilt
All is fair in love an' war!
Promo for Archie Comics publications in which Katy appears emphasizing the new Katy/Gloria rivalry. Katy's outfit and pose by Margaret Stephenson (Lakin, KS); Gloria's outfit, pose by Glenda Lee Czerwinski (Etna, CA).

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