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Issue: Tales to Astonish #91
Disclose Detail
Variant: U.S. Cover Price
Rating: Approved by the Comics Code Authority
Publisher: FlagMarvel
Indicia Publisher: Vista Publications Inc.
On Sale Date: 02/14/1967
Volume: 1
Pages: 36
ISBN: none
UPC/EAN: none
Price: $0.12 USD
Indicia Frequency: Approved by the Comics Code Authority
Content Items: 5 (2 stories, 1 cover)
Editor(s): Stan Lee
Disclose Notes: On-sale date from 1967 Periodicals, Copyright Office, Library of Congress.
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Disclose Format
Publication Type: Comic Book
Color: color
Dimensions: standard Silver Age U.S.
Paper Stock: glossy cover; newsprint interior
Binding: saddle-stitched
Publishing Format: was ongoing series
Format Notes:  
Disclose Reprinted From0
There is currently no data for this Issue being reprinted from anywhere.
Disclose Images1
Cover, Front
Original Artwork
Digital Edition
Adult Image
Title Page
Indicia on this Page
Whosoever Harms the Hulk..!

Illustration  on  Cover, Front
Subject Matter
Hulk [Bruce Banner]; Abomination [Emil Blonsky]
FlagLos Vengadores #114 published August 1968
as [untitled] [Illustration on Cover, Front]
FlagMarvel Super-Heroes #46 published October 1974
as Whosoever Harms the Hulk..! [Illustration on Cover, Front]
FlagEssential Hulk #1 [1st Edition, 1st Printing] published February 1999
as Tales to Astonish #91 [Cover Reprint (on Interior Page) on Interior Page(s)]black and white
FlagThe Incredible Hulk Omnibus #1 [Jack Kirby Cover] published May 2008
as Tales to Astonish #91 [Cover Reprint (on Interior Page) on Interior Page(s)]
Outside the Gates Waits.. Death!

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Sub-Mariner [Namor]; Lord Vashti; Lady Dorma; Byrrah (villain); Attuma (villain); Krang (villain); Inferno Isle Monster (villain)
Citizens of Atlantis!
As the new ruler of Atlantis, Byrrah has Namor arrested and sent to the dreaded Inferno Isle. Namor battles the lava monster that lives there and returns to Atlantis to seek his vengeance. Meanwhile, back in the undersea kingdom, Dorma has found Byrrah's hypnosis machine that won him the throne and uses it to turn the Atlantean allegiance back to Namor. With his hold quickly crumbling, Byrrah has Attuma activate a weapon that will destroy all of Atlantis figuring if that if he can't rule the realm, no one will. Namor arrives in time to destroy the machine and route his enemies.
FlagLos Vengadores #114 published August 1968
as [untitled] [Story on Interior Page(s)]
FlagI Fantastici Quattro #52 published March 1973
as La morte oltre i cancelli! [Story on Interior Page(s)]
FlagMarvel Super-Heroes #46 published October 1974
as Outside the Gates Waits..Death! [Story on Interior Page(s)]minus two pages
A Profound Potpourri of Perplexing Pronouncements and Preposterous Philosophy, All Portending Practically Nothing!

Promotional Material (from Publisher)  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Marvel Bullpen Bulletins
Notice anything different about this page?
Items; The Wrap-Up!; Here's a Brand New List of Marvel TV Stations; Let's Meet 26 More M.M.M.S. Members!
Whosoever Harms the Hulk..!

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Hulk [Bruce Banner]; Thunderbolt Ross; Glenn Talbot; Betty Ross; Rick Jones; Abomination [Emil Blonsky] (villain); The Stranger (cameo)
The Abomination has captured my daughter--!
Ross and his men try to revive the Hulk after his beating by the Abomination. Returning from the brink of death, Hulk is about to leave when the pleading Rick Jones causes him to transform back to Banner. Banner uses his knowledge to lure Abomination back to Gamma Base with Betty in tow. Hulk and Abomination clash once again. Watching from a distant galaxy, the Stranger realizes that the Abomination is a much better choice than the Hulk and zaps him to his side, ending the battle.
FlagLos Vengadores #114 published August 1968
as [untitled] [Story on Interior Page(s)]
FlagL'Uomo Ragno [Collana Super-Eroi] #88 published September 1973
as Chi mai fa del male a Hulk...! [Story on Interior Page(s)]
FlagMarvel Super-Heroes #46 published October 1974
as Whosoever Harms the Hulk..! [Story on Interior Page(s)]
FlagBring on the Bad Guys: Origins of Marvel Comics Villains #[nn] published January 1976
as Whosoever Harms the Hulk..! [Story on Interior Page(s)]
FlagThe Incredible Hulk #2 (82559-3) published January 1979
as Whosoever Harms the Hulk..! [Story on Interior Page(s)]
FlagThe Incredible Hulk Megazine #1 published November 1996
as Whosoever Harms the Hulk..! [Story on Interior Page(s)]
FlagEssential Hulk #1 [1st Edition, 1st Printing] published February 1999
as Whosoever Harms the Hulk..! [Story on Interior Page(s)]black and white
FlagThe Incredible Hulk Omnibus #1 [Jack Kirby Cover] published May 2008
as Whosoever Harms the Hulk..! [Story on Interior Page(s)]
FlagDer unglaubliche Hulk #1 published ?
as Wer sich am Hulk vergreift [Story on Interior Page(s)]

Letters Page  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Dear Stan, Thanks for Astonish #87!
FlagThe Incredible Hulk Omnibus #1 [Jack Kirby Cover] published May 2008
as [untitled] [Letters Page on Interior Page(s)]
Letters from Bradley Kohler, Marga Denegri, Peter Cadwell, and Joe Malik; M.M.M.S. membership form.

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