Subject Matter
Arachnid; Partridge in a Pear Tree; Amanda Mills; Mammoth (dies); The Vicious Circle [Absorbing Junior (introduction); The Rumble Brothers [Furious George [George Rumble]; Raging Woody [Woody Rumble]]; Animal; Artillery; Babyface; Bad Axe; Bandit; Bludgeon (Charles Robinson] (joins); BodyCount (dies); Brain-O [Harold]; Brainwave; Brawn; Brute; Bubble Boy (joins); Bulldozer; Carcass; Charlie Triumph; Chaos & Control [Chaos; Control]; Climax; Dead Guy; DeathMask; Demolisher; DoubleHeader [Larry; Harry]; DownLoad; Dung; Evil Eye; Fever; Gateway (introduction); Gator (joins); HalfBad; Hazard; Hazard II; Imposter; Indigo Hugh (joins); Inferno; Intruder; Johnny Nitro; Jolt; Killer Whale; Livewire (joins); Major Disaster (joins); Mega Tech; MindWarp; Misfit; Moe Hawkins (joins); MoreGore; Negate; Phathead (joins); Plague; Rapid Fire; Ravish; RawDog; Razz; Redneck; RoadBlock; Roughneck; Buby Friday; Scrag; Sea Kind; Seductress; Shaggymane; Soundstorm (introduction); Squid (joins); Stigma; Sudds; Surefire; Tech II, Tigress; Toast Master (joins); Torment; Toxic; Ultimatum; UnderMind; Vandal; Walleye; War Hawk; Warfare; WarGod; Washout; Weed; Wreckage; Yellow Trevor; Stretch-O; Human Sparkler; Rushmore; Transparent Trish; Bagman; Bug; Flaptrap (dies); Quill (dies); Tech; Nuke Rage; H.U.B.E.R.T. (dies); Rock Woman (dies); WildHair]; Officer Howard Niseman; Guy & Duder [Guy; Duder] (on television)
First Line:
Head's up, dirt bags--
Reprint Notes: