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Issue: Life with Archie #28
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Variant: unnamed
Rating: Approved by the Comics Code Authority
Brand: Archie SeriesView Brand Images
Indicia Publisher: Archie Comic Publications Inc.
On Sale Date: (not set)
Volume: none
Pages: 36
ISBN: none
UPC/EAN: none
Price: $0.12 USD
Indicia Frequency: Approved by the Comics Code Authority
Content Items: 7 (2 stories, 1 cover)
Editor(s): ?
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Publication Type: Comic Book
Color: color
Dimensions: standard Silver Age US; later standard Modern Age US
Paper Stock: glossy cover; newsprint interior
Binding: saddle-stitched
Publishing Format: was ongoing series
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Cover, Front
Original Artwork
Digital Edition
Adult Image
Title Page
Indicia on this Page

Illustration  on  Cover, Front
Subject Matter
humorous, teen
Archie Andrews; Betty Cooper; Albert [Hiram] Lodge; Veronica Lodge; Mr. Lodge's Cousin Clem and family [Clem Lodge; Grandpaw Cooley Lodge; Lilly Lodge; Lulu Lodge; Mildew Lodge]
If you think Mr. Lodge is rich, wait’ll you see his Cousin Clem!
In the early days of this title, the comics only featured a single story (with the usual Li'l Jinx gag in there). Throughout the story in this issue, Mr. Lodge is referred to as Albert Lodge. Although Mr. Lodge is now officially named Hiram, he has also been known as J.P. Lodge and Burton Lodge. It is not known if this was an editorial oversight or if he was actually called Albert at the time.

White does the top panel of Archie saying "If you think Mr. Lodge is rich...," while the bottom panel is taken from the interior art by Lucey.
The Riverdale Hillbillies

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
humorous, teen
Albert [Hiram] Lodge; Veronica Lodge; Clem Lodge [Cousin Clem]; Cooley Lodge [Grandpaw Cooley]; Lily Lodge; Lulu Lodge; Mildew Lodge; un-named Lodge butler; un-named news anchor (bearing a very strong resemblance to Walter Cronkite)
Mr. Lodge's company has suffered a series of bad breaks and is about to go bankrupt unless he can raise several hundred thousand dollars fast. His only hope is his Southern cousin Clem Lodge, the richest man in Sassafras County. But when Clem arrives with his family -- his handsome son Mildew, his twin daughters Lulu and Lily, and his cantankerous Grampaw Gooley -- he doesn't seem to have many assets available to help his cousin. The one hope may be an old gold mine Clem owns that doesn't have any gold, but lots of uranium.
A take-off on the hit TV series "The Beverly Hillbillies." Clem is directly based on Jed from the TV show, and Mildew is similar to Jethro. Grampaw Gooley is a male version of Granny from the show, while Lulu and Lily are original characters.

Mr. Lodge is called "Albert" throughout this story. At this time he had not yet been named "Hiram," and was frequently called by different names including "J.P.," "Henry" and his original name of "Burton."
Three Joyful Jills

Advertisement  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Josie McCoy
An ad for Josie Comics
Appears in the middle of the page, between two other ads. The top part of the page is an ad for the Bendix automatic gear shift and power brake system. The bottom part of the page is an ad for collectible stamps.
Here It Is!

Advertisement  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Archie Annual
Archie Andrews; Mary Andrews; Betty Cooper; Dilton Doiley; Professor Floyd Flutesnoot; Miss Geraldine Grundy; Jughead Jones; Midge Klump; Mr. Lodge; Veronica Lodge; Moose Mason; Reggie Mantle; Pop Tate; Mr. Waldo Weatherbee
An ad for Archie Annual #16.
Comic cost 25 cents and the offer included a free full-color 1965 pin-up calendar. Kids could have the comic sent to friends and relatives by including the names and addresses of these people on a separate sheet of paper and enclosing an additional 25 cents for each copy of the comic.

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
childrens, humorous
Li'l Jinx; Greg
Greg rides up in a car made from wooden crates, and asks Li'l Jinx how she likes his imported foreign car. Li'l Jinx laughs, saying that it looks like he built it himself. Greg says he did, and Li'l Jinx asks him where he got the imported foreign stuff. Greg says that the car is made from Italian cheese boxes.
Although Greg's name is never mentioned anywhere in this comic, it's obvious that's who Li'l Jinx is talking to.
Archie Club News

Text Article  on  Interior Page(s)
Laraine Snyder; Ann M. Blanchard; ?
Subject Matter
Archie Andrews (on drawings of Archie Club Member button and membership card)
The regular feature with the latest winning articles. This month's winners are Laraine Snyder from Lowville, New York [$5 First Prize for her article "to the teen-agers of America", reinforcing the importance of studying and staying in school] and Ann M. Blanchard from Springfield, Massachusetts [$4 Second Prize for her article on things she enjoys]
First page contains the first-prize article and a couple of cute drawings to go along with it. The second page contains the second-prize article on the top half of the page, and an offer to join the Archie Club for 15 cents on the bottom of the page.
Get My NEW Lucky Piece ... Free!

Advertisement  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Archie Andrews
An offer to get Archie's new "lucky piece" for free when you order a 10-issue subscription to your favorite title(s) - for $1.00.
Titles available: Archie; Pep; Laugh; Jughead; Betty & Veronica; Archie's Joke Book; Life With Archie; Archie's Mad House. Offer never expired. Origin of the Lucky Piece (from the ad): "Long before the American Revolution there lived in America a tribe of Indians known as the Keewanees. Many wars were fought between Indian tribes, and it is alleged that the Keewanees survived because of a lucky piece which was fashioned like a horseshoe. They truly blieved that the lucky piece had mystical qualities which brought them luck and enabled them to defeat the enemy".

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