Subject Matter
Skeets; Wildebeest (death); Gemini; Houngan; Phobia; Plasmus; Warp; Argent (cameo); Batman [Bruce Wayne] (cameo); Bizarro (cameo); Bumblebee (cameo); Bushido (cameo, death); Captain Comet (cameo); Cheetah [Barbara Minerva] (cameo); Doctor Light [Arthur Light] (cameo); Doctor Mid-Nite [Pieter Cross] (cameo); Doctor Psycho (cameo); Eclipso [Jean Loring] (cameo); Elasti-Girl (cameo); Green Lantern [Alan Scott] (cameo); Green Lantern [Kyle Rayner] (cameo); Grunt (cameo); Harlequin [Dula Dent] (cameo); Hourman [Rick Tyler] (cameo); Jade [Jennie-Lynn Hayden] (cameo); Joto (cameo); Kilowog (cameo); Lady Quark (cameo); Mirage [Miriam Delgado] (cameo); Negative Man [Larry Trainor] (cameo); Nudge (cameo); Jimmy Olsen (cameo); Raven (cameo); Red Tornado [John Smith] (cameo); Risk (cameo); Robin [Dick Grayson] (cameo); Robin [Tim Drake] (cameo); Robotman [Cliff Steele] (cameo); Shazam (cameo); Shift (cameo); Sinestro (cameo); Spectre (cameo); Speedy [Mia Dearden] (cameo); Stallion (cameo); Starfire [Koriand'r] (cameo); Starman [Gavyn] (cameo); Adam Strange (cameo); Talia al Ghul (cameo); Ultra Multi-Alien (cameo); Uncle Sam (cameo); Vortex (cameo); Helena Wayne (cameo); Selina Wayne (cameo); Perry White (cameo); Zoom [Hunter Zolomon] (cameo); Doom Patrol (cameo); Justice Society of America (cameo); Teen Titans (cameo)
First Line:
They say you can't go home again.
Alex's plans to restore the original multiverse are almost completed as he recreates the Monitor's tuning fork using the dead Anti-Monitor's armor as part of it. He also uses certain heroes as part of the tuning fork, since they have inside of them the unique pre-Crisis vibrational frequencies of the original five surviving earths (1,2,4,S,X), as others have possible frequencies of other earths that either existed (6), or would have (8) if the original Crisis hadn't happened.
Reprint Notes:
Deaths of Air Wave, Bushido, Firestorm (Mick Wong only), Pantha, and Wildebeest. Crispus Allen becomes the new host for the Spectre. Captured heroes on the fork: Martian Manhunter (Earth-One); Power Girl (Earth-Two); Nightshade (Earth-Four); Black Adam (Earth-S); The Ray (Earth-X); Lady Quark (Earth-Six); Breach (Earth-Eight). Round one: Superboy vs. Superboy-Prime.
Confirmed art:
George Pérez & Andy Lanning: page 5;
George Pérez & Lary Stucker: page 23-24;
George Pérez & Drew Geraci: page 25;
George Pérez (pencils & inks): pages 28-29 (panels 2-8), page 30.