DC Bullpen Page with promo texts and news about upcoming projects: Spotlight on SECOND THUNDER, Hot List (ROBIN #134, TEEN TITANS #20, WONDER WOMAN #212) plus editorial by "Your Mole At 1700".
Total of 10 one-page and 1 two-page advertisements for: Mechassault 2: Lone Wolf (video game, Xbox), Operation Night Strike (army, U.S. Army), Zelda: The Minish Cap (video game, Nintendo), Zing up your phone! (ringtones,, Aliens Vs. Predator (dvd, 20th Century Fox), Ratchet Clank: Up Your Arsenal (game, Insomniac, 2 pages), Batman The Animated Series Volume 2 (dvd, Warner Brothers), Everquest II (video game, Sony), Sky Captain and The World of Tomorrow (dvd, Paramount), Mountain Dew (soft drink, PepsiCo), The Matrix Online (video game, SEGA).