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Issue: Lassie #58
Disclose Detail
Variant: unnamed
Publisher: FlagDell
Indicia Publisher: Dell Publishing Co. Inc.
On Sale Date: 04/12/1962
Volume: 1
Pages: 36
ISBN: none
UPC/EAN: none
Price: $0.15 USD
Indicia Frequency:
Content Items: 7 (4 stories, 1 cover)
Disclose Notes: Last Dell issue; series would continue publication under the Gold Key brand with Lassie and the Martins living in Africa; last Blaze story (Gold Key would publish a secondary feature about an Asian boy and his pet elephant to accompany the Lassie in Africa stories). On-sale date from 1962 Periodicals, Copyright Office, Library of Congress.
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Disclose Format
Publication Type: Comic Book
Color: color
Dimensions: standard Silver Age US
Paper Stock: glossy cover; newsprint interior
Binding: saddle-stitched
Publishing Format: was ongoing series
Format Notes:  
Disclose Reprinted In0
There is currently no data for this Issue being reprinted anywhere.
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Disclose Images2
Cover, Front
Original Artwork
Digital Edition
Adult Image
Title Page
Indicia on this Page

Cover, Front
Original Artwork
Digital Edition
Adult Image
Title Page
Indicia on this Page

Illustration  on  Cover, Front
? (color photo)
? (color photo)
? (color photo)
Subject Matter
adventure, childrens, nature
Lassie; Timmy [as portrayed by Jon Provost]
Full-page color photo of Lassie holding a hammer in her mouth and Timmy reaching for the hammer while climbing a ladder.
front cover

Table of Contents  on  Interior Page(s)
? (black and white photo)
? (black and white photo)
Subject Matter
adventure, childrens, nature
Lassie; Timmy; Ruth Martin; Mike Rojas; Picaro (raccoon); Two Bucks
Brief synopses of the issue's two Lassie stories, four black and white illustrations depicting scenes from the two stories, and one black and white photo of Timmy and Lassie.
Inside front cover.

Gaylord Du Bois script credit as per page 41, Gaylord Du Bois's Account Books, Sorted by Title, compiled from the original account books by Randall W. Scott. Script title as submitted to Lassie editor was "Summary. Cover #2 for Lassie, July/September issue. Sent October 30, 1961."

There is no reason to believe it was written by an editor or editors, as had been speculated by some. Du Bois wrote what he was assigned by his editors to write.
Picaro's Big Day

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
adventure, childrens, nature
Lassie; Timmy; Ruth Martin; Paul Martin; Mike Rojas (10 year old son of Hispanic migrant farm workers); Picaro (Mike's pet raccoon); Pete (leader of a gang of boys); Gang of Boys; Tramp; Superintendent of Parks
Lassie and Timmy rescue Mike and his pet raccoon Picaro from a gang of brutal boys. Mike and his parents leave for another state, Timmy becomes Picaro's caretaker. Picaro is unintentionally destructive in the Martin house, and, as a result, is confined to the barn on a long rope. A tramp steals a raspberry pie from the Martin kitchen, consumes it in the barn, and falls asleep in the loft. Picaro wraps his rope around the tramp's feet, and is hailed as a hero. The Martins realize that they cannot adequately provide for Picaro, and find him a home in a children's zoo.
Text features some Spanish words and phrases; story inspired perhaps by the "Melonhead" episode of the CBS "Lassie" television series.

Gaylord Du Bois script credit as per page 40, Gaylord Du Bois's Account Books, Sorted by Title, compiled from the original account books by Randall W. Scott.

The presence of the foreign language words and phrases (Spanish, here) is a Du Bois trademark (he wrote Spanish Self-Taught, French Self-Taught, etc.). That the story features an animal (a raccoon, here) is also a Du Bois trademark; one is hard-pressed to find a Du Bois story that does not feature an animal.
School of Survival

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
adventure, childrens, nature
Blaze; Old Silversides (she-burro); Band of Burros
Blaze has become a member of a desert-dwelling herd of wild burros led by Old Silversides. She teaches him to eat the most nutritious desert plants and to drink slowly from the small pools of water. When a tornado approaches, Old Silversides leads her band to the shelter of the rocks, but Blaze lingers behind to observe the storm. He is buffeted about by the wind, and seeks Old Silversides for comfort.
Last Blaze story

Gaylord Du Bois script credit confirmed as per page 41, Gaylord Du Bois's Account Books, Sorted by Title, compiled from the original account books by Randall W. Scott.

Statement of Ownership  on  Interior Page(s)
A Dog for Binky

Text Story  on  Interior Page(s)
? (header illustration)
Subject Matter
adventure, childrens, nature
Waggles (beagle); Binky Benson (crippled boy); Dan Benson (Binky's father); Mrs. Gavan (kennel owner)
Binky Benson is a crippled boy who wants to keep a stray dog. Binky's father is cautious; the dog is a purebred beagle and almost certainly belongs to someone. The Bensons agree to shelter the dog for a few days. Binky spends every moment with the dog, names him Waggles, and teaches him several tricks. Mr. Benson comes home one day with sad news, however; the dog's owner, Mrs. Gavan of Gavan Kennels, is looking for him. She arrives at the Benson house, and witnesses the love between the boy and the dog. She gives the dog to Binky, knowing the animal will have a wonderful home.
Antlered Fury

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
adventure, childrens, nature
Lassie; Timmy; Paul Martin; Torglund (poacher); Game Warden; Two Bucks
Timmy has a new movie camera. In the forest, he films two bucks struggling with locked antlers. One buck is felled by a poacher's bullet. Timmy continues filming, but sends Lassie for help. The surviving buck frees himself, and threatens the poacher. Timmy saves the man's life by diverting the buck's attention, but the boy is threatened by the animal. Lassie returns with Paul and the Game Warden, and the buck flees. The fallen buck was only stunned, and bounds away. The poacher denies any wrong-doing because both deer are alive, but Timmy's film is evidence of his criminal intent.
Last Timmy and Lassie story under the Dell brand (stories would continue under the Gold Key brand with Lassie and the Martins living in Africa).

Gaylord Du Bois script credit as per page 41, Gaylord Du Bois's Account Books, Sorted by Title, compiled from the original account books by Randall W. Scott.

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