SUNNY, June, 1948, No. 14. Published bi-monthly by Fox Feature Syndicate, Inc., 221 Conyngham Ave., Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Executive offices 60 E. 42nd St., New York 17, N. Y. Entered as second class matter October 3, 1947, at the post office at Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Price 10¢ per copy. Yearly subscription, in the United States and its possessions, Mexico, So. America, Spain, 75¢ Z including postage. $1.50 elsewhere. The publisher accepts no responsibility for unsolicited material. Copyright 1948 by Fox Feature Syndicate, Inc. Contents must not be reproduced without permission. The names of all characters that are used are fictitious. Use of a name which is the same as that of any living person is accidental.
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