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Publisher: Fox
Years in Operation: 1939 - 1951
Disclose Detail
Country: Flag United States Web Site: Brands: 10 Indicia Publishers: 11 Series: 144 Printings: 666 (665 Issues) Disclose Notes: Actual years of activity were mid-1939 to early 1942 (mostly as Fox Publications, inc.) and mid-1944 to 1951 (mostly as Fox Feature Syndicate, Inc.), with "Blue Beetle" being published by Holyoke Publishing Co., Inc. in the interim. 1944 and to a lesser extent 1945 saw a great deal of activity through surrogate publishers, mostly in the form of giant-size (128 or 196 page) issues alongside the return of an actual Fox publishing company.   Does this data need corrections? Become an editor.

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