Joan Weis
Patrick Zircher
Dan McConnell
Andrea Albert; Holly Sanfelippo
Todd S. Tottle
Subject Matter
crime, superhero
The Green Hornet
"Sarge" (introduction, villain); Green Hornet IV [Paul Reid]; Constantine Stefanopoulos (introduction, villain); Kato III [Mishi Kato]; Kato II [Hayashi Kato]; Jeremy Fletcher (introduction, villain); Frankie, Constantine's lieutenant (introduction, villain); Helen Stefanopoulos, Constantine's daughter (introduction, villain); Diana Reid
A check by uniformed police officers of a building in the projects ends with a female cop being bludgeoned to death. The Stefanopoulos crime family invites The City's other big-time racketeers to a meeting/banquet to celebrate the relative peace between them in recent times. However, some object to the Green Hornet, who runs no rackets of his own, merely taking a cut of everybody else's. When their host, veteran crime family head Constantine Stefanopoulos, says this is how it has always been and should continue to be, they openly defer to him, but think otherwise. Simultaneously, the busting of a deal in illegal "merchandise" results in another dead cop, and one of the arrested thugs uses his one telephone call to inform his boss, Stefanopoulos, that another officer was the shooter, but the other police wouldn't listen. Hayashi and Diana have a date, but decide to "skip the movie." The next night, the masked vigilantes begin their own investigation of the cop killings, and make a discovery--the victims were all gay, and a veteran sergeant was eliminating them on the grounds of being "deviants" who were "polluting the force." When his partner attempts to arrest him, "Sarge" eats his own pistol. The younger officer allows the Hornet and his man to walk out.
Reprint Notes:
The rules of the mob-up allow each racketeer to bring "two boys." For the Hornet's second, Mishi regains her crime-fighting gear last seen in Green Hornet, 1989 series (AKA Vol. 1), #10, August 1990. Along with those listed above, a few other of The City's racketeers are clearly depicted at the meeting and have not been seen before, but they are never named, even though they will reappear in #s 36 & 37's two-parter.