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Issue: Four Color #1188
Disclose Detail
Title: Atlantis, the Lost Continent
Is Variant Variant: British
Publisher: FlagDell
Brand: object(PgSql\Result)#3 (0) { }
Indicia Publisher: Dell Publishing Co. Inc.
On Sale Date: (not set)
Pages: 36
Price: 12.0 pence GBQ 0-1-0
Indicia Frequency: none
Content Items: 0 (0 stories, 0 covers)
5 (1 story, 1 cover) from base issue
Editor(s): ?
Disclose Notes: Indicia title is "ATLANTIS, THE LOST CONTINENT, No. 1188." Code number is ATLANTIS O.S. #1188-615. Copyright 1961 by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, Inc.

Adapted from the 1961 movie "Atlantis, the Lost Continent."

No month is given on the cover or in the indicia. Based on the copyright dates of this issue and others in the series released around the same time, one can determine that this issue was published with other Four Color issues bearing a "June-August 1961" cover date.

An alternate version of this issue exists with ads and a text overprint on the black bar of the cover. See the index for Four Color #1188 [ad].
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Disclose Format
Publication Type: Comic Book
Color: color
Dimensions: standard Golden Age U.S.; standard Silver Age U.S.
Paper Stock: glossy cover; newsprint interior
Binding: saddle-stitched
Publishing Format: was ongoing series
Format Notes:  
Disclose Reprinted In0
There is currently no data for this Issue being reprinted anywhere.
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Atlantis, the Lost Continent

Illustration  on  Cover, Front from base issue
? (photos)
? (photos)
? (photos)
Subject Matter
fantasy, historical
Demetrios (photo of Anthony Hall); Andes the Giant (photo of Robert Maffei [Big Buck Maffei])
Atlantis, the Lost Continent

Foreword, Introduction, Preface, Afterword  on  Interior Page(s) from base issue
? (photos)
? (photos)
Subject Matter
fantasy, historical
Demetrios (photo of Anthony Hall); Andes the Giant (photo of Robert Maffei [Big Buck Maffei])
Demetrios, a Greek fisherman, rescues a beautiful princess and returns her to Atlantis, her faraway island homeland.
Preview of the story.
Inside front cover; black and white. Five photos from the movie with a synopsis, plus a partial cast list.
Atlantis, the Lost Continent

Story  on  Interior Page(s) from base issue
Subject Matter
fantasy, historical
Demetrios; Petros; Antilla; King Kronos; Zaren; Sonoy; Xandros; Azor; Andes the Giant
Throughout the years, as far back as two thousand years ago, scholars have suggested the theory that a continent once existed in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean...
Demetrios, a Greek fisherman, rescues a beautiful princess and returns her to Atlantis, her faraway homeland. When he reaches the island, he is thrown into slavery and must fight a giant in order to regain his freedom. A volcanic eruption sends Atlantis under the sea as Demetrios and the princess escape.
ATLANTIS O.S.#1188-615
Adapted from the 1961 movie "Atlantis the Lost Continent." The ad version of the story is only 28.75 pages long. See the index for Four Color #1188 [ad] for a detailed description of the cuts.
Myth and Mystery

Text Article  on  Interior Page(s) from base issue
Subject Matter
informational, non-fiction
Atlantis was located 'beyond the Pillars of Hercules' -- the end of the then-known world.
Theories about Atlantis.
Inside back cover; black and white. Panels with typeset text underneath. This sequence is replaced by an ad in some copies.
The Anatomy of a Volcano

Text Article  on  Interior Page(s) from base issue
Subject Matter
informational, non-fiction
Volcanoes are the result of underground heat.
Facts about volcanos.
Back cover. This sequence is replaced by an ad in some copies.

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