Subject Matter
Green Lantern Corps [Green Lantern [Arisia]; Green Lantern [Katma Tui]; Green Lantern [Tomar-Re]; Green Lantern [John Stewart]]; Legion of Super-Heroes [Blok; White Witch; Ultra Boy; Phantom Girl; Dawnstar; Wildfire; Lightning Lad; Saturn Girl; Shrinking Violet; Brainiac 5; Lightning Lass; Element Lad; Sun Boy; Mon-El; Shadow Lass; Chameleon Boy; Colossal Boy; Star Boy; Dream Girl; Proty]; Omega Men [Zirral; Shlagen; Rynoc; Doc]; Challengers of the Unknown [Rocky Davis; Red Ryan; June Robbins; Prof. Haley; Ace Morgan]; Justice League of America [Flash [Barry Allen] (death); Firestorm; Vixen; Martian Manhunter [J'onn J'onzz]; Red Tornado; Atom [Ray Palmer]; Batman (of Earth-1, flashback)]; New Teen Titans [Cyborg; Kid Flash [Wally West] (flashback)]; Guardians of the Universe; Firehawk (new costume); Blue Devil; Psycho-Pirate [Roger Hayden]; Anti-Monitor (villain, new costume); Darkseid; Desaad; T. O. Morrow; Thunderers of Qward; Joker (flashback); The Spectre [Jim Corrigan]
The 5 earths and their universes are temporarily safe, as a captive Flash and Psycho Pirate witness the reemergence of the Anti-Monitor with a new plan to create an antimatter cannon. Using the Pirate to emotionally control the Anti-Monitor's Qwardian Thunderers as a diversion, Flash enters the cannon and runs counterclockwise to cause its energies to build up, thus exploding and destroying the cannon. The Anti-Monitor throws Flash through time, killing him, and absorbs the entire energy of the anti-matter universe for a final attack.
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