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Issue: Crisis on Infinite Earths #1
Publication Date: April 1985
Disclose Detail
Variant: Direct
Publisher: FlagDC
Brand: DC [bullet]View Brand Images2
Indicia Publisher: DC Comics Inc.
On Sale Date: 12/11/1984
Volume: none
Pages: 36
ISBN: none
UPC/EAN: none
Price: $0.95 CAD
£0.35 GBP
$0.75 USD
Indicia Frequency:
Content Items: 3 (1 story, 1 cover)
Disclose Notes: No ads in this comic. On-sale date from DC Releases #11.
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Disclose Format
Publication Type: Comic Book
Color: Color
Dimensions: Standard Modern Age U. S.
Paper Stock:  
Binding: Saddle-stitched
Publishing Format: Limited Series
Format Notes:  
Disclose Reprinted In10
Disclose Reprinted From0
There is currently no data for this Issue being reprinted from anywhere.
Disclose Images2
Cover, Wraparound
Original Artwork
Digital Edition
Adult Image
Title Page
Indicia on this Page

Cover, Front Only (of Wraparound and/or Gatefold)
Original Artwork
Digital Edition
Adult Image
Title Page
Indicia on this Page

Illustration  on  Cover, Wraparound
Subject Matter
The Crime Syndicate [Ultra-Man; Superwoman; Johnny Quick; Owlman; Power Ring] (of Earth-3); Superman (of Earth-2); Pariah; Firestorm; Arion; Cyborg; Blue Beetle [Ted Kord]; Dawnstar; Dr. Polaris; Geo-Force; Psimon; Firebrand [Danette Reilly]; Obsidian; Harbinger; Killer Frost; Luthor (of Earth-3); Psycho-Pirate [Roger Hayden]; Green Lantern [John Stewart]; King Solovar; The Monitor (face in background)
FlagSuperman Taschenbuch #71 published January 1985
as Krise der Parallel-Erden [Illustration on Cover, Front]
FlagCrisis en Tierras Infinitas #1 published April 1987
as [untitled] [Illustration on Cover, Wraparound]
FlagMillennium Edition: Crisis on Infinite Earths 1 #[nn] published February 2000
as The Debut of the Epic Maxiseries [Illustration on Cover, Front]
FlagMillennium Edition: Crisis on Infinite Earths 1 #[nn] published February 2000
as Crisis on Infinite Earths #1 End of an Era [Text Article on Interior Page(s)]
Wraparound cover. Colors credit confirmed by Anthony Tollin. Logo design credit from http://kleinletters.com/, where Klein indicates "from a design by Neal Pozner."
Crisis Beginnings

Letters Page  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Crisis Mail
"My theory is, both Earths were created at the same time in two quite similar universes!..."
Describes the beginnings of the DC Multiverse and this series. Located on the inside front and inside back covers.

The "First Line of Dialogue or Text" quotation is from Flash #123 (September 1961) as Barry Allen speaks to Jay Garrick.
The Summoning!

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
The Crime Syndicate [Ultraman; Power Ring; Owlman; Johnny Quick; Superwoman] (of Earth-3, all die); Alexander Luthor (of Earth-3, death); Lois Lane Luthor (death); Alexander Luthor, Jr. (introduction); Pariah (introduction); Harbinger [Lyla Michaels]; The Monitor; King Solovar; Dawnstar; Firebrand [Danette Reilly]; Blue Beetle [Ted Kord]; Psycho-Pirate [Roger Hayden]; Arion; Firestorm [Ronnie Raymond; Professor Martin Stein]; Killer Frost [Louise Lincoln]; Geo-Force [Brion Markov]; Cyborg [Victor Stone]; Superman [Kal-L] (of Earth-2); Obsidian [Todd Rice]; Dr. Polaris [Neal Emerson]; Psimon [Simon Jones]; Green Lantern [John Stewart]
In the beginning there was only one.
A man known as Pariah is destined to watch helplessly as he is drawn from one Earth to another to watch as a wave of anti-matter destroys their universes. Earth-3's universe is the next to fall to the anti-matter wave and the Crime Syndicate is helpless to stop it. Meanwhile, the Monitor orders Lyla to become Harbinger to gather heroes and villains. Taken to the Monitor's satellite, these heroes and villains are attacked by shadow demons until the Monitor drives them away.
FlagCrisis on Infinite Earths #[nn] published February 1998
FlagCrisis on Infinite Earths #[nn] published February 2000
FlagCrisis on Infinite Earths The Absolute Edition #[nn] published January 2005
FlagSuperman Taschenbuch #71 published January 1985
as [untitled] [Story on Interior Page(s)]
FlagCrisis en Tierras Infinitas #1 published April 1987
as [untitled] [Story on Interior Page(s)]
FlagMillennium Edition: Crisis on Infinite Earths 1 #[nn] published February 2000
as The Summoning [Story on Interior Page(s)]
First appearance of Alex Luthor, Jr. and Pariah. Death of Earth-3 and Crime Syndicate. First DC appearance of Blue Beetle [Ted Kord], a character recently acquired by DC from Charlton Comics. The other Charlton "action heroes" -- Peacemaker, Nightshade, Question [Vic Sage], Judomaster, and Peter Cannon, Thunderbolt -- will appear in issue #6.

Perez inks credit from Crisis on Infinite Earths The Compendium.

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