Subject Matter
espionage, superhero
Suicide Squad
Amanda Waller; Suicide Squad [Bronze Tiger [Ben Turner]; Captain Boomerang [George Harkness; also as Digger]; Count Vertigo [Werner Vertigo]; Duchess [Lashina]; Dr. Light [Arthur Light]; Jewelee; Punch; Ravan; Shade, the Changing Man [Rac Shade]; Vixen [Mari McCabe]]; Checkmate [Harry Stein; Harvey Bullock; Checkmate Knight [John Reed]]; Project Peacemaker [Peacemaker [Chris Smith]; Dr. Bridgette D'Abo]; Oracle (behind the scenes); Dr. Heinrich Megala; Babylon; Wade Eiling; Force of July [Major Victory; Lady Liberty; Silent Majority; Abraham Lincoln Carlyle (dies); Mayflower (dies); Sparkler (dies)]; Flo Crawley; Cherie Chase (first appearance); John Chase (first appearance); Kobra (villain, behind the scenes); A Kobra Cult agent (villain)
Waller introduces the leaders of Task Force X to a secret operation known as the Janus Directive whereby either the Force of July or Project Atom is going to turn on them and try to seize power in the covert intelligence community. Waller tells her allies that she wants to strike first and take out the two teams. She sends the Suicide Squad after the Force of July and tells Bronze Tiger that she wants them dead. Ben is uncomfortable with this, especially as Oracle can't confirm that the Janus Directive even exists. The Squad battles the Force and wins.
Reprint Notes:
Story continues from Checkmate (DC, 1988 series) #15 and continues in Checkmate (DC, 1988 series) #16.