Fantastic Four [Mr. Fantastic [Reed Richards]; Human Torch [Johnny Storm]; Invisible Woman [Sue Storm Richards]; Ms. Marvel [Sharon Ventura]; Ben Grimm [the Thing]]; Franklin Richards; Franklin Richards (adult); Banshee; Forge; Phoenix [Rachel Summers]; Meggan; Power Pack [Alex Power; Julie Power; Jack Power; Katie Power]; Ahab (villain)
A very powerful Franklin Richards arrives from the future, finds that things with his family are not as he remembers them and, much to the current Fantastic Four's chagrin, he "fixes" them.
Kosmos [Beyonder] (introduction); Kubik; Watchers; Dark Phoenix; Mangog; The Overmind; The Uni-Mind; High Evolutionary; The Stranger; Eon; Celestials; The Vishanti; Thanos; Mephisto; Satanish; D'Spayre; Death; Lord Chaos; Master Order; In-Betweener; The Living Tribunal; Galactus; Eternity