Subject Matter
Mutant Liberation Force [Marvel Man [Vance Astrovik]; Firestar; Nova; Night Thrasher; Cannonball; Magneto; White Queen [Emma Frost]; Abomination; Rogue; Havok; Gargoyle; Blob; Human Torch; Unus; Sabretooth; Polaris; Adam Warlock; Cyclops; Hulk; Sandman; Vision; Vector; Juggernaut; Sayge (guest)];Sphinx [Meryet Karim] (villain); Avengers [Captain Assyria; Horus; Iron Man] (villains); Colossus (cameo); Nightcrawler (cameo); Banshee (cameo); Robert Baldwin [Speedball] (cameo); Justin Baldwin (cameo); Sebastian Shaw (cameo flashback); Beast (cameo flashback); Wolverine (cameo flashback); Sphinx [Anath-Na Mut] (cameo flashback)
The full power of the Mutant Liberation Force is brought to bear on the Sphinx but her powers prove formidable. Dwayne Taylor sneaks into the Sphinx's home looking for a way to revenge himself upon her for the death of his father. Sayge arrives and picks a small band of "New Warriors" from the MLF and sends them to join up with Night Thrasher. Nova realizes that the thing that is most important to the Sphinx is her immortal cat and uses the feline as leverage. With the New Warriors back in their own reality, the Sphinx's cat rapidly ages and dies and she flies off, vowing revenge.
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