Subject Matter
Supergirl [Matrix]; Lois Lane; Jimmy Olsen; Jonathan Kent; Martha Kent; Perry White; Allie; Dan; Batman [Bruce Wayne]; Robin [Tim Drake]; Justice League America [JLA; Bloodwynd [Martian Manhunter; J'onn J'onzz]; Booster Gold [Michael Jon Carter]; Fire [Beatriz DaCosta]; Guy Gardner; Ice [Tora Olafsdotter]; Maxima]; Guardian [Jim Harper]; Green Lantern [Hal Jordan]; Wonder Woman [Diana]; Elongated Man [Ralph Dibny]; Wildcat [Ted Grant]; Power Girl; Green Arrow [Oliver Queen]; Black Canary [Dinah Lance]; Flash [Jay Garrick]; Obsidian [Todd Rice]; Green Lantern [Alan Scott]; Captain Marvel [Billy Batson]; Aquaman [Arthur Curry; Orin]; Flash [Wally West]; Dr. Mid-Nite [Charles McNider]; Green Lantern [Kilowog]; New Titans [Nightwing [Dick Grayson]; Phantasm [Danny Chase; Arella; Azarath]; Red Star [Leonid Kovar]; Starfire [Koriand'r]; Wildebeest]; Geo-Force [Brion Markov]; Doctor Fate; Dr. Light [Kimiyo Hoshi]; Forever People [Beautiful Dreamer; Big Bear; Mark Moonrider; Serifan; Vykin the Black]; Oberon; Big Barda; Mr. Miracle [Scott Free]; Dubbilex; Metamorpho [Rex Mason]; Lightray; Orion; Metal Men [Gold; Iron; Lead; Mercury; Platinum; Tin]; Team Titans [Killowat; Mirage [Miriam Delgado]; Redwing [Carrie Levine]]; Mara; Bashir; Lobo; Kramdyn; Keith Robert Parks; Myra; Tiger (cat); Teddy Johnson; Jerry Johnson; Professor Emil Hamilton; Mildred Krantz; Underworlders; Charlie; Bibbo Bibbowski; High-Pockets; Lamarr; Mayor Frank Berkowitz; President Bill Clinton; Hillary Clinton; Mr. Hastings; Lex Luthor (villain)
The City of Metropolis has a funeral for Superman. Lois finally works up the nerve to call Jonathan and Martha.
Reprint Notes:
Job Number:
Story continued from ACTION COMICS (DC, 1938 series) #685 and story continues in SUPERMAN (DC, 1987 series) #76.