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Issue: Squadron Supreme #[nn]
Publication Date: January 1997
Disclose Detail
Variant: unnamed
Publisher: FlagMarvel
Brand: Marvel ComicsView Brand Images2
Indicia Publisher: Marvel Comics
On Sale Date: (not set)
Volume: none
Pages: 354
ISBN: 078510576X
UPC/EAN: 75960610576200111
Price: $35.00 CAD
$29.99 USD
Indicia Frequency: none
Content Items: 22 (13 stories, 1 cover)
Disclose Notes: The first printing of this graphic novel contains the ashes of the writer, Mark Gruenwald.

There are 4 known printings to date. One printing (second printing?) has known on-sale date of June 24, 1998, per the New Comic Book Releases List for Wednesday, June 24, 1998, compiled by Charles LePage with information from Sun Coast Comics. Retrieved from the Old Comiclist database, 28 August 2021.

The Squadron Supreme was inspired by the Justice League of America.
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Disclose Format
Publication Type: Comic Book
Color: color
Dimensions: Standard Modern Age US
Paper Stock:  
Binding: softcover
Publishing Format: Collected Edition
Format Notes:  
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There is currently no data for this Issue being reprinted anywhere.
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Cover, Front
Original Artwork
Digital Edition
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Title Page
Indicia on this Page
Squadron Supreme

Illustration  on  Cover, Front
Subject Matter
Squadron Supreme [Hyperion; Power Princess; Whizzer; Dr. Spectrum; Blue Eagle; Arcanna; Amphibian; Lady Lark; Tom Thumb; Nuke]; Redeemers [Nighthawk; Mink; Pinball; Remnant; Redstone; Moonglow; Inertia; Haywire; Black Archer; Thermite]; Institute of Evil [Dr. Decibel; ApeX; Quagmire; Lamprey; Foxfire; Shape]; Master Menace; Captain America; Hyperion II

Credits  on  Interior Page(s)
Jerron Quality Color recolored this graphic novel for publication.

Foreword, Introduction, Preface, Afterword  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Dr. Spectrum; Golden Arrow; Lady Lark; Arcanna; Blue Eagle
Panel of artwork taken from the last page of sequence 9.
Cover Reprint Gallery

Cover Reprint (on Interior Page)  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
FlagSquadron Supreme #1 [Direct] published September 1985
was The Greatest Super-Team of Any World! [Illustration on Cover, Front]
FlagSquadron Supreme #2 [Direct] published October 1985
was [untitled] [Illustration on Cover, Front]
FlagSquadron Supreme #3 [Direct] published November 1985
was [untitled] [Illustration on Cover, Front]
FlagSquadron Supreme #4 [Direct] published December 1985
was [untitled] [Illustration on Cover, Front]
FlagSquadron Supreme #5 [Direct] published January 1986
was [untitled] [Illustration on Cover, Front]
FlagSquadron Supreme #6 [Direct] published February 1986
was [untitled] [Illustration on Cover, Front]
FlagCaptain America #314 [Direct Edition] published February 1986
was Squadron Supreme Cross-Over! [Illustration on Cover, Front]
FlagSquadron Supreme #7 [Direct] published March 1986
was [untitled] [Illustration on Cover, Front]
FlagSquadron Supreme #8 [Direct] published April 1986
was Hyperion vs. Hyperion-- to the Death! [Illustration on Cover, Front]
FlagSquadron Supreme #9 [Direct] published May 1986
was At Last -- The Cure! [Illustration on Cover, Front]
FlagSquadron Supreme #10 [Direct] published June 1986
was Caught in the Quagmire! [Illustration on Cover, Front]
FlagSquadron Supreme #11 [Direct] published July 1986
was Blue Eagle at the Mercy of Nighthawk's Renegades! [Illustration on Cover, Front]
FlagSquadron Supreme #12 [Direct] published August 1986
was Civil War! [Illustration on Cover, Front]
Mark Gruenwald on Squadron Supreme

Text Article  on  Interior Page(s)
Article reprinted from Marvel Age #29.
The Utopia Principle

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Squadron Supreme [Hyperion [Mark Milton]; Power Princess [Zarda]; Whizzer [Stan Stewart]; Dr. Spectrum [Joe Ledger]; Blue Eagle [James Dore II (a.k.a. Cap'n Hawk in this story only)]; Arcanna [Arcanna Jones]; Amphibian [Kingsley Rice]; Lady Lark [Linda Lewis]; Golden Archer [Wyatt McDonald]; Tom Thumb [Thomas Thompson]; Nuke [Albert Gaines]]; Nighthawk [Kyle Richmond (President of the United States); Lonnie (Hyperion's girlfriend); Madeline Stewart (Whizzer's wife); Tina Stewart (Whizzer's daughter); Adrienne Dore (Blue Eagle's mother); American Eagle I [James Dore I (deceased, cameo only (as a picture on the wall); Blue Eagle's father)]; Howard Shelton (Zarda's husband); Amphibian's dolphin friends [Hlee; Prurr; Rhaii]; Nuke's parents [Gilbert Gaines; Florence Gaines]; Arcanna's family [Phil Jones; Drusilla Jones; Katrina Jones; Andrew Jones; Crowley (The Jones' cat)]; Aida (Tom Thumb's computer A.I. creation); Herb (one of Kyle Richmond's advisors); Overmind (cameo flashback); The Skrull (flashback)
The Squadron Supreme decides that they need to take control of the Government and solve all of humanities problems. Nighthawk disagrees, and leaves the Squadron.
FlagSquadron Supreme #1 [Direct] published September 1985
was The Utopia Principle [Story on Interior Page(s)]
A Small Sacrifice

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Squadron Supreme [Hyperion; Power Princess; Whizzer; Dr. Spectrum; Blue Eagle; Arcanna; Amphibian; Lady Lark; Golden Archer; Tom Thumb; Nuke]; Nuke's parents [Gilbert Gaines; Florence Gaines]; Scarlet Centurion; Aida; American Eagle I (cameo flashback)
In their first month, the Squadron has tackled the food distribution problems with great success. Nuke discovers his parents are dying of radiation poisoning, possibly as a result of his powers. Tom creates a containment suit for Nuke to contain his energy and tries to discover a cure for cancer to save Nuke's parents. Tom is ultimately unsuccessful. An enraged Nuke then leaves, vowing to come back and kill Tom. Ironically, during his search for a cancer cure, Tom discovers that he too is dying of cancer.
FlagSquadron Supreme #2 [Direct] published October 1985
was A Small Sacrifice [Story on Interior Page(s)]

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Squadron Supreme [Hyperion; Power Princess; Whizzer; Dr. Spectrum; Blue Eagle; Arcanna; Amphibian; Lady Lark; Golden Archer; Tom Thumb; Nuke (dies in this story)]; President Julius Gardner; Scotty Gaines (Nuke's brother)
In their second month of the "Utopia Agenda" the Squadron addresses the issue of gun control. Amphibian, Whizzer and Arcanna stop an angry mob who are determined to keep their guns no matter what. Meanwhile, Nuke has been missing for 28 days, and Hyperion assigns Dr. Spectrum to find him. Spectrum discovers that Nuke's parents have died. He then locates Scotty Gaines, who leads Spectrum to Nuke. Nuke's grief and guilt over his parents' deaths has unhinged him and he goes on a rampage. Dr. Spectrum traps Nuke in a force bubble, and Nuke accidentally kills himself while escaping.
FlagSquadron Supreme #3 [Direct] published November 1985
was Showdown [Story on Interior Page(s)]
President Julius Gardner is inspired by Julius Schwartz and Gardner Fox, the original editor and writer of the Justice League of America comic respectively.

Text Article  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
The two authors offer their insight to this maxi-series at the time it was originally published.
Change Of Heart

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Squadron Supreme [Hyperion; Power Princess; Whizzer; Dr. Spectrum; Blue Eagle; Arcanna; Amphibian; Lady Lark; Golden Archer; Tom Thumb]; Skull (cameo flashback); Nuke (cameo flashback)
Tom Thumb creates the Behavior Modification machine. Golden Archer ask Lady Lark to marry him, and uses the Behavior Modification machine on her when she says no.
FlagSquadron Supreme #4 [Direct] published December 1985
was Change of Heart [Story on Interior Page(s)]

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Squadron Supreme [Hyperion; Power Princess; Whizzer; Dr. Spectrum; Blue Eagle; Arcanna; Amphibian; Lady Lark; Golden Archer; Tom Thumb]; Institute of Evil [Dr. Decibel; ApeX; Quagmire; Lamprey; Foxfire; Shape]; Calvin Marooney; Madeline Stewart; Tina Stewart; Aida; Howard Shelton; Phil Jones; Drusilla Jones; Andrew Jones; Katrina Jones; Adrienne Dore
The Institute of Evil kidnaps Golden Archer, who reveals how the behavior modification machine works. They then kidnap all of the Squadron's families and force the Squadron to undergo the behavior modification process, becoming villains. Only when the combined Institute and Squadron arrive where the families are being held do they reveal that the behavior modification machine doesn't work on them. This was a precaution installed by Tom after he realizes what the Archer did to Lady Lark.
FlagSquadron Supreme #5 [Direct] published January 1986
was Turn-About [Story on Interior Page(s)]
Inner Circle

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Squadron Supreme [Hyperion; Power Princess; Whizzer; Dr. Spectrum; Blue Eagle; Arcanna; Amphibian; Lady Lark; Golden Archer; Tom Thumb]; Madeline Stewart; Tina Stewart; Adrienne Dore; Howard Shelton; Phil Jones; Drusilla Jones; Katrina Jones; Andrew Jones; Crowley (The Jones' cat); Dr. Decibel; ApeX; Quagmire; Lamprey; Foxfire; Shape; Master Menace; Remnant; Mink; Pinball; Warden Daniel Yates; Nighthawk
Members of the Institute of Evil are placed in the Behavior Modification Machine, and then join the Squadron. Family members of the Squadron are moved to Squadron City. Golden Archer is expelled for using the machine on Lady Lark. Amphibian leaves the Squadron. Nighthawk decides to take down the Squadron.
FlagSquadron Supreme #6 [Direct] published February 1986
was Inner Circle [Story on Interior Page(s)]

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Captain America; Nighthawk; Professor Imam; Mr. Fantastic; Invisible Woman; Captain Marvel [Monica Rambeau]; Hercules; Wasp; Black Knight; Bernie Rosenthal; Mink; Remnant; Pinball; Goliath [Clint Barton] (flashback); Quicksilver (flashback); Scarlet Witch (flashback); Vision (flashback); Beast (flashback); Iron Man (flashback); Hellcat (flashback); Dr. Spectrum (flashback); Whizzer (flashback); Golden Archer (flashback); Hyperion (flashback); Lady Lark (flashback); Arcanna (flashback)
Nighthawk goes looking for allies to take down the Squadron. Professor Imam sends him to the world of the Avengers. But neither the Avengers nor the Fantastic Four think that this fight is their battle. While there, Cap gets wind of a new villain using a magic carpet. Nighthawk tags along and finds three villains from his earth hiding on this earth. He convinces them to come back with him to take on the Squadron. They are then teleported back to their own earth.
FlagCaptain America #314 [Direct Edition] published February 1986
was Asylum [Story on Interior Page(s)]

Text Article  on  Interior Page(s)
Alex Ross weighs in on the similarities between "Squadron Supreme" and "Kingdom Come". Mark Waid talks about his friendship with Mark Gruenwald and both Marks' love for the Justice League.
Love and Death

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Squadron Supreme [Hyperion; Power Princess; Whizzer; Dr. Spectrum; Blue Eagle; Arcanna; Tom Thumb; Dr. Decibel; ApeX; Quagmire; Lamprey; Foxfire; Shape]; Mink; Remnant; Pinball; Nighthawk; Master Menace [Dr. Emil Burbank]; Hyperion II; Grandmaster (cameo flashback); Thor (cameo flashback); Thundra (flashback); Warden Daniel Yates; Howard Shelton (dies in this story); Phillip Jones; Madeline Stewart
Nighthawk tries to recruit Master Menace in his war against the Squadron without success. Menace instead locates another Hyperion from a parallel earth. The two plot the downfall of the first Hyperion and the Squadron itself by substituting the second Hyperion in the first Hyperion's place. But the deal is off when the second Hyperion falls in love with Zarda. Soon after that, Zarda's husband has a heart attack and dies. Within a week, Zarda falls very hard for the imposter Hyperion.
FlagSquadron Supreme #7 [Direct] published March 1986
was Love and Death [Story on Interior Page(s)]
The Clash

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Squadron Supreme [Hyperion; Power Princess; Whizzer; Dr. Spectrum; Blue Eagle; Arcanna; Tom Thumb; Dr. Decibel; ApeX; Quagmire; Lamprey; Foxfire; Shape]; Hyperion II; Master Menace; Bollix; the Rustler
Working together, Master Menace and the first Hyperion escape the dimension they're in. This leads to a vicious battle between the two Hyperions. In the final seconds of the imposter's life, he reveals that he killed Zarda's husband in order to have her love. And as a result of the battle, the first Hyperion loses his sight temporarily.
FlagSquadron Supreme #8 [Direct] published April 1986
was The Clash [Story on Interior Page(s)]
Borrowed Time

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Squadron Supreme [Hyperion; Power Princess; Whizzer; Dr. Spectrum; Blue Eagle; Arcanna; Tom Thumb; Dr. Decibel; ApeX; Quagmire; Lamprey; Foxfire; Shape]; Hyperion II (flashback); Scarlet Centurion; Gamemaster (flashback); Phillip Jones; Madeline Stewart; Tina Stewart; Drusilla Jones; Andrew Jones; Katrina Jones; Aida; Nighthawk; Remnant; Pinball; Mink; Redstone
As Nighthawk gathers allies in the upcoming war, Tom Thumb journeys back to the future to steal the Panacea Potion from the Scarlet Centurion. It is a futile attempt though as the Panacea Potion is nothing more than a combination of pencillin and complex vitamins. A week later, Tom Thumb passes away.
FlagSquadron Supreme #9 [Direct] published May 1986
was Borrowed Time! [Story on Interior Page(s)]

Text Article  on  Interior Page(s)
Kurt reminiciences about an afternoon spent with Mark Gruenwald.
The Dark From Within

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Squadron Supreme [Hyperion; Power Princess; Whizzer; Dr. Spectrum; Blue Eagle; Arcanna; Dr. Decibel (dies in this story); ApeX; Quagmire (dies in this story); Lamprey; Foxfire; Shape]; Tom Thumb (deceased); Seward Braxton; Redeemers [Nighthawk; Mink; Pinball; Remnant; Redstone; Moonglow; Inertia; Haywire; Black Archer; Thermite]; Master Menace; Aida; Iron Moth (flashback); Nuke (flashback); Amphibian (flashback); Golden Archer (flashback); Lady Lark (flashback)
As the Squadron introduces the next phase of the "Utopia Agenda", they have a funeral for Tom Thumb. Super-humans Redstone and Moonglow apply for Squadron membership, which inspires the Squadron to begin a recruitment drive for other super-humans. Meanwhile, Dr. Decibel finds that the comatose Quagmire is still releasing dark matter, and now its threatening the lives of the hospital staff. It's decided the only to stop the muck is to pull the life-support on Quagmire, which Hyperion regrettably does.
FlagSquadron Supreme #10 [Direct] published June 1986
was The Dark From Within [Story on Interior Page(s)]

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Squadron Supreme [Hyperion; Power Princess; Whizzer; Dr. Spectrum; Blue Eagle; Arcanna; Ape X [Xina]; Lamprey; Foxfire; Shape]; Redeemers [Nighthawk; Mink; Pinball; Remnant; Redstone; Moonglow; Inertia; Haywire; Black Archer; Thermite]; Master Menace; Nuke (cameo); Tom Thumb (cameo); Dr. Decibel (cameo); Quagmire (cameo); Amphibian (cameo); Golden Archer (cameo); Lady Lark (cameo)
After Moonglow, Redstone, Inertia, Haywire and Thermite are inducted in the Squadron, Moonglow taps the computers, sending the behavior modification plans to Master Menace. The conflict of behavior modifying in ApeX's brain shuts her down when she sees who made the unauthorized data transfer but cannot report it. Systematically, the Redeemers kidnap the behavior modified villains of the Squadron and reverse the treatment. The Blue Eagle follows one of the villains and gets behaviorally modified himself to forget what he has witnessed.
FlagSquadron Supreme #11 [Direct] published July 1986
was Betrayal [Story on Interior Page(s)]
The Dregs Of Victory

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Squadron Supreme [Hyperion; Power Princess; Whizzer; Dr. Spectrum; Blue Eagle (dies in this story); Arcanna; Lamprey (dies in this story); Foxfire (dies in this story); Shape]; ApeX; Phillip Jones; Drusilla Jones; Andrew Jones; Katrina Jones; Redeemers [Nighthawk (dies in this story); Mink; Pinball (dies in this story); Remnant; Redstone; Moonglow; Inertia; Haywire; Black Archer (dies in this story); Thermite (critically injured in this story)]; Master Menace; Madeline Stewart; Tina Stewart; Benjamin Thomas Jones (introduction); Lady Lark (flashback); Amphibian (flashback); Nuke (flashback); Tom Thumb (flashback); Professor Imam (flashback)
It's all out war when Nighthawk's Redeemers and the remaining villains from the Institute of Evil challenge the few remaining Squadron members left. It is a war that leaves casualties on both teams.
FlagSquadron Supreme #12 [Direct] published August 1986
was The Dregs of Victory [Story on Interior Page(s)]

Text Article  on  Interior Page(s)
Ralph Macchio
Ralph gives his thoughts on the maxi series and Mark's love of this story.

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