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Issue: My Experience #19 Public Domain
Publication Date: September 1949
Disclose Detail
Variant: unnamed
Publisher: FlagFox
Brand: object(PgSql\Result)#3 (0) { }
Indicia Publisher: Fox Feature Syndicate Inc.
On Sale Date: (not set)
Volume: none
Pages: 36
ISBN: none
UPC/EAN: none
Price: $0.10 USD
Indicia Frequency:
Content Items: 6 (3 stories, 1 cover)
Editor(s): ?
Disclose Notes: Indicia reads: "MY EXPERIENCE (formerly ALL TOP COMICS)."
  Does this data need corrections? Become an editor.
Disclose Format
Publication Type: Comic Book
Color: color
Dimensions: Standard Golden Age US
Paper Stock: glossy cover; newsprint interior
Binding: saddle-stitched
Publishing Format: Was ongoing
Format Notes:  
Disclose Reprinted In0
There is currently no data for this Issue being reprinted anywhere.
Disclose Reprinted From0
There is currently no data for this Issue being reprinted from anywhere.
Disclose Images1
Cover, Front
Original Artwork
Digital Edition
Adult Image
Title Page
Indicia on this Page

Illustration  on  Cover, Front
Subject Matter
Decision with Danger

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Lorna Vaile; Miss Willkins; Peter Brent; Larry Brent; Dr. Conrad; Kathryn Brent
Nurse Lorna is hired to care for alcoholic Larry, the foster brother of Peter. Larry believes he caused the death of Peter’s wife Kathryn, and that’s why he started drinking. Peter tells Lorna that Larry owns the family home and business. Both Larry and Peter propose to Lorna, but when Peter hits Larry, she says she won’t marry either of them and is leaving the next day. That night, the house catches fire. Larry, whom Lorna thinks is a “weakling,” risks his life to save Lorna and Peter. Peter dies, but first confesses he framed Larry for Kathryn’s death. Larry and Lorna get married.
“Wood’s First Comics Job” states that “another early Fox story, ‘Decision with Danger’...previously attributed to Wood, is also an early Wood-Rosenthal collaboration.” (Stewart 2003, 54). Accompanying this text is a reproduction of the splash page from pencils, with both “Wood” and “Emrose” signatures worked into the art. A reproduction of the inked splash is also shown.

Peter Brent is drawn to resemble actor John Wayne.
He Loved Another!

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Camille; Loretta Avery; Mr. Brooks; Walt; Lou
Young widow Loretta’s 18-year-old niece Camille arrives in search of modeling work. Loretta falls in love with Walt, but he proposes to Camille instead. Camille continues to see other men, and Loretta covers for her so Walt’s heart won’t be broken. Walt finds out anyway and argues with Camille. Camille elopes with Lou and Walt marries Loretta on the rebound. Loretta then learns Camille didn’t get married, so she confesses to Walt that she knows he only married her to get back at Camille. Walt says “Camille was the interlude—-not you!” They will stay married.

Letters Page  on  Interior Page(s)
? [as Grace Canby]
Subject Matter
Are You in Love?
Let's Admit It

Text Article  on  Interior Page(s)
? [as Grace Canby]
Subject Matter
Between Us Girls
I Was a Frightened Bride

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Lora Randalls; Chris Allen; Paul Ackerman; Mr. Cole; Miss Jones; Mr. Abbott
Lora becomes engaged to co-worker Chris but one day he breaks up with her for no reason. She dates her boss Paul, and accept his marriage proposal, then learns Chris is also engaged again. Chris shows up one night and says he loves Lora but “hours later” she tells him to leave. Chris repeatedly stalks Lora; on the day of the wedding, he shows up as Paul’s best man. At the last minute, Paul steps back and lets Chris marry Lora.
The "smiley face artist" referenced by some indexers (and JVJ himself) is identified as Charles F. Miller on JVJ index cards for other issues of Fox romance comics available online in scans.

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