Deadpool; Zombie Deadpool; Major Deadpool [Wade Wilson]; SHIELD
In his first stop on the alternate universe highway, Deadpool meets himself as a leader of SHIELD in a united North America (which means the U.S. and Canada are one country, kids). Not only is Major Deadpool a scar-free pretty boy but he is also a major pain in the butt. Deadpool rescues his zombie head and leaps again.
Deadpool; Zombie Deadpool; Lady Deadpool [Wanda Wilson]; Nick Fury; Captain America (villain); Sentinels (villains)
In our next reality, Deadpool discovers a post apocalyptic world where Captain America and Nick Fury are on different sides. Deadpool meets his female counterpart and both the male and female Deadpool battle the government lackey known as Captain America with a little assist from a zombie head. Deadpool sort of kisses himself and leaps again.
Deadpool; Zombie Deadpool; the Deadpool Kid (dies); Sheriff Nick Fury; Logan
Next stop, the Wild West where Deadpool finds his counterpart is a notorious bandit, the Deadpool Kid. With the law bearing down on him, Deadpool does Sheriff Fury the favor of killing himself. Still having no luck finding Zombie Deadpool's home dimension, Deadpool leaps again and ends up back in Florida where the whole story started.