On sale date from the publication date found in the Catalog of Copyright Entries, Part 2, Periodicals, New Series, Volume 35, 1940, Number 2. Second class permit. Copyright number 449438.
Dynamo; The Genius (Villain); Gun (Villain); Sop (Villain); Molly (Villain); Rako Gang (Villain)
Reprint Notes:
In a possible reference to Fox's Wonder Man, which was the subject of a lawsuit by DC Comics, a police boat captain says to Dynamo, "So you're the Wonder-Man we've been reading about." (on page 4, panel 4).
Dynamo started out as Electro in Science Comics #1 and there is still some confusion in this story. On page 8 (last panel), one of the gangsters, "Gun" Ramey, mentions that the Genius will, "...help us get this Electro guy!" And on page 9 (last panel), "Gun" Ramey states, "I'll be back in a week with Electro himself and the dough!"