Last issue of series. New series begins in Transformers: Generation 2 (Marvel, 1993 series) after a brief 4-issue crossover preview in G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero (Marvel, 1982 series) #s 139-142.
The Autobots have lost on Klo to the Decepticons. All hope seems to be lost until Optimus Prime is reborn by the Last Autobot using Hi-Q (with Prime's memories) as the template. The defeated Decepticons then leave Klo, but plot other plans against the Autobots.
Dreadwind, seemingly crushed in issue #77, appears in this issue.
There are some unidentified Transformers on page 3, panel 1 - three Decepticons, and some Autobots. There may also be some unidentified Transformers on other pages.