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Issue: Action Comics Annual #10
Publication Date: March 2007
Disclose Detail
Is Variant Variant: Gary Frank Cover
Rating: [no rating]
Publisher: FlagDC
Brand: DC [swirl]View Brand Images2
Indicia Publisher: DC Comics
On Sale Date: 02/07/2007
Volume: none
Pages: 52
ISBN: none
UPC/EAN: 76194120002601021
Price: $5.50 CAD
$3.99 USD
Indicia Frequency: none
Content Items: 1 (0 stories, 1 cover)
12 (5 stories, 1 cover) from base issue
Editor(s): Matt Idelson; Nachie Castro (associate)
Disclose Notes: 1 in 10 variant.
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Disclose Format
Publication Type: Comic Book
Color: color
Dimensions: standard Modern Age U. S.
Paper Stock: glossy cover; newsprint interior
Binding: saddle-stitched; squarebound
Publishing Format: was ongoing series
Format Notes:  
Disclose Reprinted In1
reprinted as a Content Item in another Issue.
Disclose Reprinted From0
There is currently no data for this Issue being reprinted from anywhere.
Disclose Images2
Cover, Front
Original Artwork
Digital Edition
Adult Image
Title Page
Indicia on this Page

Cover, Front
Original Artwork
Digital Edition
Adult Image
Title Page
Indicia on this Page

Illustration  on  Cover, Front
Subject Matter
Superman; Lois Lane
FlagSuperman: Último Hijo #[nn] published March 2014
as Portada Alternativa Action Comics núm. 10 USA [Cover Reprint (on Interior Page) on Interior Page(s)]
Table of Contents

Table of Contents  on  Interior Page(s) from base issue
? (illustration)
? (illustration)
Illustrated with pictures of Zod, Ursa, Non, and Bizarro from Action Comics #845 pages 10, 21, and 22.
The Many Deaths of Superman

Story  on  Interior Page(s) from base issue
Subject Matter
Superman; Lex Luthor; Mr. Mxyzptlk (cameo); Solomon Grundy (cameo); Black Adam (cameo); Silver Banshee (cameo); Mongul (cameo); Bizarro (cameo); Doomsday (cameo); Kalibak (cameo); Darkseid (cameo); Metallo (cameo); Kryptonite Man (cameo); Titano (cameo)
Luthor imagines what it would take to kill Superman (red sun solar fire, magic, brutal force, or kryptonite), as he's walking through a jungle looking for and finding a kryptonite meteor.
Who Is Clark Kent's Big Brother?

Story  on  Interior Page(s) from base issue
Subject Matter
Clark Kent
Clark Kent; Mon-El [Lar Gand] (intro, origin); Lana Lang (cameo); Mr. Lang (cameo); Mrs. Lang (cameo); Ben Hubbard (photo, cameo); Pete Ross (cameo); Jonathan Kent; Martha Kent
Young Clark Kent tries to stop a rocket from crashing. Out steps a floating boy, speaking Kryptonese, and then English. He said "Son of Jor-El," but doesn't remember anything. Clark takes him home, and the boy sees the S shield, and recognizes it as the symbol of the house of El. He doesn't remember his name, so they make one up for him: Mon-El. They both operate under cover for a while, but Mon-El starts dreaming in a weird language, and saying "You don't belong here." So together they decide to test his Kryptonian heritage by exposing him to Kryptonite. Clark takes a lead box out of the safe, but before he can open the Kryptonite, Mon-El collapses, and regains his memory, remembering he was Lar Gand. He remembers being a seeker on Daxam, and researching data from Krypton's destruction. A rocket that left just before had a message; of which all that could be made out was "Son of Jor-El." Lar decided to follow the path of that rocket, to see if any Kryptonian artifacts could be found, but when he approached Earth's solar system, a sunspot disrupted his ship, so that he crashed. Now he realizes he is dying, as lead is toxic to his people. They try to figure out what to do, when Mon-El spots the phantom zone projector, and asks to be put in the zone. Clark does so, vowing to find a cure one day.
There are many homages to the first story of the Earth 1 Mon-El (from Superboy #89) in this story (particulary images on page 8). There is even a nod to post-crisis Valor (this Daxam circles the sun Valor).
Mystery Under the Blue Sun

Story  on  Interior Page(s) from base issue
Subject Matter
Hawkmen; Hawkwomen; Bizarros; Bizarro World (intro)
Several Hawkmen and Hawkwomen from Thanagar are investigating the loss of several police cruisers, and find them wrecked in the vicinity of a cubical planet. Bizarros appear, trash this cruiser too, and return to the Bizarro World.
Secrets of the Fortress of Solitude

Illustration  on  Interior Page(s) from base issue
Subject Matter
A cross section of the fortress, including the interplanetary zoo, Kandor, trophy room and museum, super science lab, and super weapons room.
The Criminals of Krypton

Story  on  Interior Page(s) from base issue
Subject Matter
General Zod (origin); Non (origin); Ursa (origin); Jor-El; Kryptonian Council; Lara (flashback, cameo); baby Kal-El (flashback, cameo); Scarlet Jungle; Phantom Zone; Phantom Zone Projector
Zod, Non, and Ursa are being sentenced to the Phantom Zone by the Kryptonian Council. Flashback to an earlier time. Non, Jor-El's former teacher, is reviewing his findings about the planet's internal activities, and agrees that Krypton will explode within 90 days. But the General Zod, head of the Military Defense, interrupts and has them arrested (by Ursa). Non and Jor-El are warned not to discuss the heresy, and released. Jor-El starts working on a rocketship, but Non appeals to the people of Krypton instead, with Zod and Ursa observing. Zod starts to believe what Non is saying. But Non gets abducted, and lobotomized. Zod is outraged, and goes to Jor-El to have him join them in revolt. Jor-El cannot, as the council is needed to take quick action. Zod, Ursa, and Non try to take control anyway, but are defeated. Jor-El is made to be their jailer, and now is forced to exile them to the Phantom Zone.
Much of this was derived from "Superman the Movie".
Superman's Top 10 Most Wanted!

Character Profile  on  Interior Page(s) from base issue
Subject Matter
Superman; Lex Luthor; Brainiac; General Zod; Ursa; Non; Bizarro; Parasite; Mr. Mxyzptlk; Metallo; Toyman [Winslow Schott]
Profiles of Superman's top villains.
The Deadliest Forms of Kyptonite

Story  on  Interior Page(s) from base issue
Subject Matter
Superman; Lex Luthor; Perry White (cameo); Lois Lane (cameo); Jimmy Olsen (cameo); Bizarro (cameo); Metallo
Luthor talks about various kinds of kryptonite, imagining the effects of some of them. He ends up upgrading Metallo with all four kinds (green, red, blue, and gold) in preparation of starting a Revenge Squad.
DC Nation #46 [January 31, 2007] WW 3

In-house Column  on  Interior Page(s) from base issue
Dan explains the logic behind the creation and contents of the World War Three specials. Ads for Action Comics #847, Blue Beetle #11, Hawkgirl #60, and Action Comics Annual #10. Appears on page 50 in this issue.
House Advertisements

Promotional Material (from Publisher)  on  Interior Page(s) from base issue
House ads for: Superman/Batman, Green Lantern: Rebirth TP (1/2 page), Teen Titans (1/2 page), The Brave and the Bold, and 52 Action Figures. Appear in various places in this issue.

Advertisement  on  Interior Page(s) from base issue
Total of 4 one-page and 1 two-page ads for: KillZone: Liberation (video game, Sony Computer Entertainment), Magic the Gathering (card game, Wizards of the Coast), Wii (game system, Nintendo, 2 pages), International Fight League (sports league), and got milk? with Vince Carter (milk). Appear in various places in this issue.

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