Subject Matter
Clark Kent
Clark Kent; Mon-El [Lar Gand] (intro, origin); Lana Lang (cameo); Mr. Lang (cameo); Mrs. Lang (cameo); Ben Hubbard (photo, cameo); Pete Ross (cameo); Jonathan Kent; Martha Kent
Young Clark Kent tries to stop a rocket from crashing. Out steps a floating boy, speaking Kryptonese, and then English. He said "Son of Jor-El," but doesn't remember anything. Clark takes him home, and the boy sees the S shield, and recognizes it as the symbol of the house of El. He doesn't remember his name, so they make one up for him: Mon-El. They both operate under cover for a while, but Mon-El starts dreaming in a weird language, and saying "You don't belong here." So together they decide to test his Kryptonian heritage by exposing him to Kryptonite. Clark takes a lead box out of the safe, but before he can open the Kryptonite, Mon-El collapses, and regains his memory, remembering he was Lar Gand. He remembers being a seeker on Daxam, and researching data from Krypton's destruction. A rocket that left just before had a message; of which all that could be made out was "Son of Jor-El." Lar decided to follow the path of that rocket, to see if any Kryptonian artifacts could be found, but when he approached Earth's solar system, a sunspot disrupted his ship, so that he crashed. Now he realizes he is dying, as lead is toxic to his people. They try to figure out what to do, when Mon-El spots the phantom zone projector, and asks to be put in the zone. Clark does so, vowing to find a cure one day.
Reprint Notes:
There are many homages to the first story of the Earth 1 Mon-El (from Superboy #89) in this story (particulary images on page 8). There is even a nod to post-crisis Valor (this Daxam circles the sun Valor).