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Issue: Batman & Superman #9
Publication Date: January 2007
Disclose Detail
Is Variant Variant: Collector Edition
Publisher: FlagPanini France
Brand: object(PgSql\Result)#3 (0) { }
Indicia Publisher:
On Sale Date: (not set)
Volume: none
Pages: 76
Price: none entered
Indicia Frequency:
Content Items: 0 (0 stories, 0 covers)
10 (3 stories, 1 cover) from base issue
Editor(s): Alain Guerrini
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Publication Type: Comic Book
Color: couleur [color]
Dimensions: 17 cm x 26 cm
Paper Stock: papier glacé [glossy interior]; couverture cartonnée souple [Cardstock cover]
Binding: dos carré [squarebound]
Publishing Format: série continue terminée [was ongoing series]
Format Notes:  
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There is currently no data for this Issue being reprinted anywhere.
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There is currently no data for this Issue being reprinted from anywhere.
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Cover, Front
Original Artwork
Digital Edition
Adult Image
Title Page
Indicia on this Page

Illustration  on  Cover, Front from base issue
Subject Matter
Batman [Bruce Wayne]; Superman [Clark Kent; Kal-L] (pre-Crisis Earth-2); Catwoman [Selina Kyle Wayne] (pre-Crisis Earth-2); Robin [Dick Grayson] (pre-Crisis Earth-2); Bruce Wayne [Batman](as Gotham City Police commissioner pre-Crisis Earth-2); Helena Wayne (as baby pre-Crisis Earth-2)
Batman / Bruce Wayne est répertorié deux fois car les versions actuelle et pré-Crisis Terre-2 sont représentées.

Table of Contents  on  Interior Page(s) from base issue
typographie [typeset]
Subject Matter
Batman [Bruce Wayne]; Wonder Woman [Diana]; Superman [Clark Kent; Kal-El]; Superboy [Conner Kent]
from ?
Uniquement les visages des personnages. Deuxième de couverture. [Head-shots only of characters. Inner front cover.]

Foreword, Introduction, Preface, Afterword  on  Interior Page(s) from base issue
Christian Grasse

Foreword, Introduction, Preface, Afterword  on  Interior Page(s) from base issue
? (Aspen studios)
typographie [typeset]
Subject Matter
Wonder Woman [Diana]
Illustration tirée de la couverture de [Illustration from the cover of] Identity Crisis (DC, 2004 series) #4. [First Printing].
Deuxième de couverture. [Inner front cover.]
Intervention divine

Story  on  Interior Page(s) from base issue
Subject Matter
Firestorm [Martin Stein]; Firestorm [Jason Rusch & Mick Wong]; Batman [Bruce Wayne]; Lois Lane-Kent (pre-Crisis Earth-2); Power Girl; Superboy [Conner Kent]; Supergirl [Kara Zor-El]; Superman [Clark Kent; Kal-L (pre-Crisis Earth-2)]; Superman [Clark Kent; Kal-El]; Troia [Donna Troy]; Wonder Woman [Diana]; Air Wave [Hal Jordan]; Animal Man [Buddy Baker]; Aquaman [Arthur Curry; Orin]; Artemis; Blue Devil [Daniel Cassidy]; Bumblebee; Cyborg [Vic Stone]; Detective Chimp; Enchantress [June Moone]; Flash [Wally West]; Fury [Helena Kosmatos]; Herald; J'Onn J'Onzz; Koryak; Lori Lemaris; Mera; Linda Park-West; Neptune Perkins; Nightmaster; Nightshade; Phillipus; Ragman [Rory Regan]; Jaime Reyes; Shift; Tempest [Garth]; Vulko; Black Adam; Black Manta; King Shark; Alexander Luthor; Lex Luthor; Ocean Master; Psycho-Pirate [Roger Hayden]; Shark; Spectre; Superboy-Prime [Clark Kent (pre-Crisis Earth-Prime)]; Amazo (cameo); Aquagirl [Lorena Marquez] (cameo); Baron Blitzkrieg (cameo); Batman [Bruce Wayne (pre-Crisis Earth-2)] (cameo); Blyth (cameo); Breach (cameo); Captain Atom (cameo); Captain Comet (cameo); Ceridian (cameo); Chemo (cameo); Dolphin (cameo); Flash [Jay Garrick] (cameo); Gole (cameo); General (cameo); Green Arrow [Oliver Queen] (cameo); Green Arrow [Connor Hawke] (cameo); Green Lantern [Alan Scott] (cameo); Green Lantern [Kyle Rayner] (cameo); Grodd (cameo); Hawkman [Carter Hall] (cameo); Houngan (cameo); Huntress [Helena Wayne] (cameo); Jade [Jennie-Lynn Hayden] (cameo); Jaffar (cameo); Kilowog (cameo); Kurin (cameo); Lady Quark (cameo); Liberty Belle [Libby Lawrence] (cameo); Plasmus (cameo); Quakemaster (cameo); Ray [Ray Terrill] (cameo); Robin [Dick Grayson] (cameo); Robin [Jason Todd] (cameo); Scavenger (cameo); Shaligo (cameo); Silver Banshee (cameo); Slig (cameo); Starfire [Koriand'r] (cameo); Trok (cameo); Tsunami (cameo); Typhoon (cameo); Warp (cameo); Selina Kyle Wayne (pre-Crisis Earth-2) (cameo)
Superman de la Terre-2 de l'ancien multivers rend visite à Batman dans la Batcave et lui explique ce qui se passe, alors qu'il parcourt l'histoire de l'ancien multivers avec lui et le plan d'Alex pour restaurer le multivers d'origine. Le Spectre continue sa guerre contre la magie alors qu'il détruit Atlantis pendant que les méchants se battent sous l'eau contre les forces d'Aquaman. Alors que les Amazones combattent les OMAC sur Themyscira, une solution est trouvée sauver leurs forces en déclin en s'exilant et en laissant Wonder Woman seule.
Episode qui correspond à la couverture [Cover story].
Contient la mort apparente de Neptune Perkins. Batman est répertorié deux fois dans la section des personnages car la version actuelle et la version Terre-2 de l'ancien multivers apparaissent (la version Terre-2 apparaît sous forme de cameo alors que son histoire est expliquée au Batman actuel par le Superman de l'ancien multivers). La raison pour laquelle Batman rejette l'offre de ce Superman est que lorsqu'on lui demande si le Dick Grayson de Terre-2 est un homme meilleur que l'actuel, il répond «Non».
Terre promise

Story  on  Interior Page(s) from base issue
Subject Matter
Air Wave [Hal Jordan] (death); Crispus Allen; The Anti-Monitor [Mobius] (corpse); Bane; Batman [Bruce Wayne]; Beast Boy [Garfield Logan]; Black Adam [Teth-Adam]; Booster Gold [Michael Jon Carter]; The Brain; Chemo; Deathstroke [Slade Wilson]; Firestorm [Martin Stein]; Firestorm [Jason Rusch & Mick Wong] (death of Mick Wong, Jason saved by Prof. Martin Stein); Flamebird [Bette Kane]; The Flash [Jay Garrick]; The Flash [Barry Allen]; The Flash [Wally West]; Hawkman [Carter Hall]; Johnny Quick [Johnny Chambers]; Jonathan Kent; Lois Kent (of Earth-Two); Martha Kent; Kid Flash [Bart Allen]; Krypto; Alexander Luthor Jr. (of Earth-Three); Martian Manhunter [J'Onn J'Onzz]; Max Mercury [Max Crandall]; Mister Terrific [Michael Holt]; Monsieur Mallah; Nightwing [Dick Grayson]; Pantha [Rosabelle Mendez] (death); Linda Park West; Power Girl [Kara Zor-L]; Psycho-Pirate [Roger Hayden]; The Ray [Raymond Terrill]; Red Star [Leonid Kovar]; Jaime Reyes; S.T.R.I.P.E. [Pat Dugan]; Sand [Sandy Hawkins]; Stargirl [Courtney Whitmore]; Superboy [Conner Kent]; Superboy-Prime [Clark Kent]; Supergirl [Kara Zor-El]; Superman [Clark Kent / Kal-L] (of Earth-Two); Terra; Wildcat [Ted Grant]; Wonder Girl [Cassandra Sandsmark]; Skeets; Wildebeest (death); Gemini; Houngan; Phobia; Plasmus; Warp; Argent (cameo); Batman [Bruce Wayne] (cameo); Bizarro (cameo); Bumblebee (cameo); Bushido (cameo, death); Captain Comet (cameo); Cheetah [Barbara Minerva] (cameo); Doctor Light [Arthur Light] (cameo); Doctor Mid-Nite [Pieter Cross] (cameo); Doctor Psycho (cameo); Eclipso [Jean Loring] (cameo); Elasti-Girl (cameo); Green Lantern [Alan Scott] (cameo); Green Lantern [Kyle Rayner] (cameo); Grunt (cameo); Harlequin [Dula Dent] (cameo); Hourman [Rick Tyler] (cameo); Jade [Jennie-Lynn Hayden] (cameo); Joto (cameo); Kilowog (cameo); Lady Quark (cameo); Mirage [Miriam Delgado] (cameo); Negative Man [Larry Trainor] (cameo); Nudge (cameo); Jimmy Olsen (cameo); Raven (cameo); Red Tornado [John Smith] (cameo); Risk (cameo); Robin [Dick Grayson] (cameo); Robin [Tim Drake] (cameo); Robotman [Cliff Steele] (cameo); Shazam (cameo); Shift (cameo); Sinestro (cameo); Spectre (cameo); Speedy [Mia Dearden] (cameo); Stallion (cameo); Starfire [Koriand'r] (cameo); Starman [Gavyn] (cameo); Adam Strange (cameo); Talia al Ghul (cameo); Ultra Multi-Alien (cameo); Uncle Sam (cameo); Vortex (cameo); Helena Wayne (cameo); Selina Wayne (cameo); Perry White (cameo); Zoom [Hunter Zolomon] (cameo); Doom Patrol (cameo); Justice Society of America (cameo); Teen Titans (cameo)
Les plans d'Alex pour restaurer le multivers d'origine sont presque terminés car il crée une machine en utilisant l'armure de l'Anti-Monitor mort. Il utilise également certains héros dans sa machine, car ils ont à l'intérieur d'eux les fréquences vibratoires uniques d'avant la crise des cinq terres survivantes d'origine (1,2,4,S,X), car d'autres ont des fréquences possibles d'autres terres qui existaient (6) ou qui auraient existé (8) si la crise n'avait pas eu lieu.
Morts de Air Wave, Bushido, Firestorm (Mick Wong seulement), Pantha, et Wildebeest.
Crispus Allen devient le nouvel hôte du Spectre.
Héros capturés : Martian Manhunter (Terre-1) ; Power Girl (Terre-2); Nightshade (Terre-4); Black Adam (Terre-S); Le rayon (Terre-X); Lady Quark (Terre-6); Breach (Terre-8).
Premier round : Superboy contre Superboy-Prime.

Story  on  Interior Page(s) from base issue
Subject Matter
Alex Luthor (Earth 3); Lex Luthor (Earth 3, cameo); Lois Lane (Earth 3, cameo); Harbinger (cameo); Monitor (cameo); Superman [Clark Kent; Kal-L] (Earth 2); Lois Lane (Earth 2); Superboy [Clark Kent] (Earth-Prime); Jerry Kent (cameo); Naomi Kent (cameo); Laurie Lemmon (cameo); Anti-Monitor (cameo); Darkseid (cameo)
Les crédits sont dans le numéro suivant. La suite est dans le prochain numéro. [The credits are in the next issue. Story continued in the next issue.]

Foreword, Introduction, Preface, Afterword  on  Interior Page(s) from base issue
divers [various]
divers [various]
Dave Stewart (credited)
typographie [typeset]
Panini fête ses 10 ans !

Promotional Material (from Publisher)  on  Interior Page(s) from base issue
divers [various]
divers [various]
divers [various]
Troisième de couverture. [Inner back cover.]
Journée dédicaces - janvier 2007 - Album et Panini Comics

Advertisement  on  Interior Page(s) from base issue
divers [various]
divers [various]
divers [various]
Quatrième de couverture. [Back cover.]

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