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Issue: Space Family Robinson, Lost in Space on Space Station One #47
Disclose Detail
Is Variant Variant: Whitman
Publisher: FlagWestern
Brand: object(PgSql\Result)#3 (0) { }
Indicia Publisher: Western Publishing Company Inc.
On Sale Date: (not set)
Volume: none
Pages: 36
UPC/EAN: none
Price: $0.25 USD
Indicia Frequency:
Content Items: 0 (0 stories, 0 covers)
3 (1 story, 1 cover) from base issue
Editor(s): Del Connell
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Disclose Format
Publication Type: Comic Book
Color: color
Dimensions: standard Modern Age US
Paper Stock: glossy cover; newsprint interior
Binding: saddle-stitched
Publishing Format: was ongoing series
Format Notes:  
Disclose Reprinted In0
There is currently no data for this Issue being reprinted anywhere.
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There is currently no data for this Issue being reprinted from anywhere.
Disclose Images1
Cover, Front
Original Artwork
Digital Edition
Adult Image
Title Page
Indicia on this Page
The Space-Jackers

Illustration  on  Cover, Front from base issue
Subject Matter
science fiction
Tim Robinson; Tam Robinson
An astonishing sight in deep space -- objects from Earth!
On an alien planet, Tim and Tam discover a Viking ship, a steam locomotive, and a square-rigger each preserved under transparent domes.
"Helter Skelter"

Advertisement (Comic Format)  on  Interior Page(s) from base issue
Subject Matter
Beep Beep the Road Runner; Beep Beep's three sons; Wile E. Coyote; Daffy Duck
Wile E. Coyote thinks he's found a way to catch a roadrunner.
Wile E. Coyote stops the Road Runners in their tracks with a torrent of rushing water, until Daffy Duck distracts him with some Hostess Twinkies allowing the Road Runners to escape.
Color ad on inside front cover.

WILE E. COYOTE: "I was so busy enjoying Hostess Twinkies, I let the Road Runners get away!"
DAFFY DUCK: "Cheer up, my good man! It's not every day you get to eat something as delicious as Hostess Twinkies!"
The Space-Jackers

Story  on  Interior Page(s) from base issue
Subject Matter
science fiction
Craig Robinson; June Robinson; Tim Robinson; Tam Robinson; Clancy (dog); Yakker (parrot); group of captives from Earth; three aliens.
After a brief trip to a desert planet in their spacemobiles, the Robinsons are ready to return to their orbiting space station...
While exploring a desert planet with their spacemobiles, the Robinson's space station is hijacked by aliens and taken through a "space gate" where it joins a collection of Earth planes, trains, and ships each preserved under transparent domes. Another dome houses captive earthmen removed from a 1998 cargo plane, whom the pursuing Robinsons free by burning open the dome with the "under-rockets" of their spacemobiles. Three gaunt-looking aliens enter the space station, look around and move on, giving the Robinsons the opportunity to take back their station... and promptly leave.
Writer and artist are credited in the story's final panel, an uncommon practice for Western Publishing.

Despite a fascinating cover illustration and story premise, little or none of it "pays off" in this issue, which comes off as a series of events, one-after-another, with little connection and no explanation. Nothing in the story indicates a continuation in a future issue. Perhaps the Robinsons were just glad to get away with their space station intact...and maybe readers should be as well.

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