Subject Matter
Cobra [Cobra Commander [Fred VII]; Baroness; Dr. Mindbender; Serpentor; Star-Viper; Firefly; Major Bludd; Crimson Guard [Tomax; Xamot; Guardsmen]; Cobra troopers; Cobra Officers; Croc Master]; Iron Grenadiers [Destro; Sgt. Major; Grenadier troopers]; General Hollingsworth; Minh
First Line:
At the perimeter fence of the G.I. Joe shuttle base in Utah...
The Cobra Island Civil War begins with two groups: one led by Serpentor, the other by Fred. Mindbender is sent by Serpentor to get help (using the super black box as a diplomatic offering stolen by the Star-Viper last issue) after his contingent, using the landlocked freighter as a base is losing. The Joes are sent in to do manual recon using a stolen Mamba chopper, and as they arrive, Minh awaits their arrival, swearing they won't get Fred, since Fred is his alone in vengeance for his losing his boat, as nearby at sea Destro plans to make his move to invade Cobra Island.
Reprint Notes:
Story continues next issue (#74). No letters page this issue due to full-page in-house ad by Marvel Comics for Nick Fury miniseries taking its place.