Subject Matter
G.I. Joe [General Hawk; Snake-Eyes (first appearance; 3rd uniform); Scarlett (injured; comatose); Doc; Lifeline; Roadblock; Chuckles; Stalker; Storm Shadow]; Wade Collins; Billy; Tyrone; Dr. Hundtkinder; J. Jonah Jameson; Cobra [Iron Grenadiers [Destro]; Baroness; Scrap-Iron; Raptor; Viper troopers; Night Vipers; Crimson Guard; Paine Brothers [Crispo (first appearance; death); DeSade (first appearance; death); Torquemada (first appearance; death)]; Tele-Vipers; Zartan (disguised as Blind Master); Cobra Officer]
First Line:
In the subbasement of the Cobra Consulate Building, deep below the streets of New York City..
Snake-Eyes is chained up underneath the Cobra Consulate and about to be tortured by the Paine brothers, but breaks free to go after the Baroness, as Scarlett lies in a coma. Destro stops by for a surprise visit to the Baroness at the consulate as she pretends that everything is fine while she sends men to stop Snake-Eyes from getting her, while Stormy, Stalker, and Wade go to the consulate to free him as all hell's breaking loose inside. Billy and company are at the Commander's burial site as he tells them he swears to kill the man who killed his father. To be concluded...
Reprint Notes:
story continued from last issue (#94); concludes next issue (#96).