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Publisher: Superior
Years in Operation: 1945 - 1956
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Country: Flag Canada Web Site: Brands: 16 Indicia Publishers: 10 Series: 244 Printings: 1121 (1120 Issues) Disclose Notes: A Canadian publisher who mostly reprinted American comics from the same time period. Also published a number of original series that were distributed in the United States. One of the last surviving Canadian Golden-age publishers.

Fiction House: For earlier issues of the series reprinted by Superior, see the publisher Publications Services Limited. Issues from Superior tend to have the same numbers as the comics they are reprinting, issues from PSL tended to have been renumbered to start from issue 1. There is also a single issue reprinted in Canada by The American News Company that is earlier than both the PSL and Superior issues.

EC Comics: Some of the issue numbers on Canadian titles where the numbering was restarted on the American series don't match.
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