#11- Barbar Macon
#12- Biblijske in ostale kratke zgodbe
#15- Eppur si muove - vseeno se premika
#16- Stripburek – comics from behind the rusty iron curtain
#18- Handyburger
#22- XXX(Strip)burger
#23- Kratke zgodbe II
#24- Barbar Macon II
#30- Stripburek - comics from the other Europe
#33- Madburger
#35- Warburger
#38- Miniburger
#42- Honeytalks
#50/51 (double issue)- Greetings from Cartoonia – The Essential Guide of the Land of Comics
#59/60 (double issue)- Workburger – custom made product with a flawless defect.
Most issues are in English but some are in Slovenian.
Publication Type:
Comic Books
Colour Covers; Black and White Interiors with a colour insert