Subject Matter
Legion of Super-Heroes [Superman; Starman [Thom Kallor]; White Witch; Dream Girl; Blok; Cosmic Boy; Saturn Girl; Lightning Lad; Lightning Lass; Brainiac 5; Timber Wolf; Mon-El; Shadow Lass; Chameleon Boy; Invisible Kid [Lyle Norg]; Duo Damsel; Sun Boy; Night Girl; Invisible Kid [Jacques Foccart]; Polar Boy; Dawnstar; Wildfire]; Legion of Super-Heroes (of Earth-247) [Umbra; Shikari; Kinetix; Sensor; Apparition; XS; Spark; Live Wire; Gates; Brainiac 5; Ferro; Gear; Violet; Saturn Girl; Cosmic Boy; Dreamer; Star Boy; M'Onel; Invisible Kid [Lyle Norg]; Chameleon; Kid Quantum [Jazmin Cullen]; Ferro; Timber Wolf; Wildfire; Ultra Boy; Andromeda]; Legion of Super-Heroes (of Earth-Prime) [Timber Wolf; Element Lad; Sun Boy; Princess Projectra; Phantom Girl; Light Lass; Brainiac 5; Invisible Kid [Lyle Norg]; Triplicate Girl; Shadow Lass; Star Boy; Chameleon; Saturn Girl; Ultra Boy]; Superboy [Conner Kent]; Kid Flash [Bart Allen]; Green Lantern [Sodam Yat]; Comet Queen; Karate Kid [Myg]; Superboy-Prime; Legion of Super-Villains [Hunter [Adam Orion]; Black Mace; Mordru; Emerald Empress; Grimbor; Persuader; Zymyr; Cosmic King; Lightning Lord; Saturn Queen; Tharok]; Glorith
In the present, Starman digs up a body from a grave marked with the name Kent. Back in the future, Kid Flash joins the fight against Superboy-Prime. From the fight, the Time Trapper snatches the Legion founders and Superman and takes them to the end of time. Back in the 31st century, Brainiac 5 takes a select group to Superman's fortress where they meet Polar Boy's team. Prime arrives, but the Legionnaires delay him long enough for Brainiac 5 to revive Superboy. At the end of time, however, the Time Trapper assures his audience that he knows how this war will end because he is Superboy-Prime.
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