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Publisher: Planeta DeAgostini
Years in Operation: 1983 - ?
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Country: Flag Spain Web Site: http://www.planetadeagostini.es/ Brands: 52 Indicia Publishers: 7 Series: 940 Printings: 9783 (10309 Issues) Disclose Notes: The Company is an unquestionable leader in its sector of activity, offering a wide portfolio of products. It focuses its activity on 3 major areas: (a) collectable series, published under the brand of the publishing house; (b) interactive products, specialising in the electronic publication of encyclopaedias, children's works and courses; (c) comics, through publishing brands such as Comics Forum, World Comic and Planeta DeAgostini Comics. Operating in the Spanish market, Portugal and Latin America, the Company has subsidiaries in Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Chile, Ecuador, Mexico, Uruguay, Venezuela and Portugal.   Does this data need corrections? Become an editor.

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