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All of the data related to comics can be browsed, looked at without any search criteria. The data is presented in a group of listing pages, classified under different criteria (e.g. publisher, brand, series, etc.). All of the data is navigable, even between the different classification types for comics. For instance, you can Browse by Publisher to find Marvel publisher, then the New Mutants series from the 1980s, and then in particular the New Mutants issue #98. All of the data is linked together in the interface so it is easy to find what you are looking for.

Available in the drop-down interface for the "source", you can choose to browse only within specific publication types. Every series in the data is classified as being of a specific publication type (e.g. comic book, comic strip, etc.). You can choose to browse in any specific publication type from any page in the XOWComics.com site by selecting the publication type in the source drop-down menu available in the navigation bar, above.

Also available in the drop-down interface for the "source", you can choose to browse only within comics you have (My Haves) or comics you want (My Wants) of My Collection. Obviously, these source options are available only when you are logged into your free XOWComics.com account.

Browse Publishers

Browse the XOWComics.com data by Publisher.

Browse Series

Browse the XOWComics.com data by Series.

Browse Issues

Browse the XOWComics.com data by Issue. Keep in mind, there are a lot of comics out there, so this area of the site may have a slight bit of sluggishness to it (though we have optimized the data access and retrieval considerably).

Browse Brands

Browse the XOWComics.com data by Brands.

Browse Indicia Publishers

Browse the XOWComics.com data by Indicia Publisher.

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