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Data Structure for Issue Assets

Screenshot An Issue Asset is an image of particular value and/or information content to the Issue being viewed. For almost all purposes, these will be high resolution images of the indicia and statement of ownership for the Issue.

Pictured to the right is a sampled display of the Issue Assets area from within the site; notice it is contained within the same area for Issue Images. It is probably the most basic and common Issue Image available within the site: a standard cover for the Issue being viewed. When shown like this, on an Issue Detail page, the section for the Issue Assets on the page will always show the count of the number of Issue Assets.

Below each Issue Asset will be displayed very basic information for the image. This includes the content type of image being displayed and any notes that have been made about the image.

Rolling over the image with your mouse will make available a rollover menu from the topleft of the image with other options. This rollover menu contains links to enlarge the image, among other options.

When logged into your XOWComics.com account, the rollover menu even provides an option to see the Issue Asset in the highest resolution possible.

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