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Issue: T-Man #37 Public Domain
Publication Date: October 1956
Disclose Detail
Variant: unnamed
Rating: Approved by the Comics Code Authority
Publisher: FlagQuality Comics
Indicia Publisher: Comic Magazines
On Sale Date: (not set)
Volume: none
Pages: 36
ISBN: none
UPC/EAN: none
Price: $0.10 USD
Indicia Frequency: Approved by the Comics Code Authority
Content Items: 7 (5 stories, 1 cover)
Editor(s): Alfred Grenet; Richard Arnold (associate); Everett M. Arnold (general manager)
Disclose Notes: Copyright 1956 by Comic Magazines.
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Disclose Format
Publication Type: Comic Book
Color: color
Dimensions: standard Golden Age US
Paper Stock: glossy cover; newsprint interior
Binding: saddle-stitched
Publishing Format: was ongoing series
Format Notes:  
Disclose Reprinted In0
There is currently no data for this Issue being reprinted anywhere.
Disclose Images1
Cover, Front
Original Artwork
Digital Edition
Adult Image
Title Page
Indicia on this Page
Red Trial By Terror

Illustration  on  Cover, Front
Subject Matter
Pete Trask
How I Made a Small Fortune in Spare Time!

Advertisement  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Mason Shoe Mfg. Co.
William Bergstrom
Inside front cover. Ad for selling shoes.
A Red Ticket to Danger!

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
T-Man Pete Trask
Pete Trask heads to an unnamed Eastern country to stop a communist uprising and ends up working at a logging company.
FlagT-Man #8 published November 1952
was A Red Ticket To Hell! [Story on Interior Page(s)]New title: "Red Ticket to Danger!"
This reprint has been modified from the original, presumably to meet Comics Code Authority guidelines. 1) Title has been changed from "...to Hell!" to "...to Danger!". 2) on page 3, a caption reading "and then some-body put a bullet in Ned's back" is replaced with "and then a shot!", Ned's speech bubble reading "Uhhh..." has been eliminated. 3) On page 4, the phrase "Rats... you're about to be caged!" has had the word "Rats" eliminated. 4) On page 8, the original has Tanya killing Karabi with a gun in the 3rd panel, the redrawn version has Tanya's arm at her side and a villager drawn in over Karabi so he doesn't look like he's falling over. Tanya's gun has also been eliminated in panel 2, but not in panel 4. 5) On page 9, Tanya's speech bubble stating "Drop him into the quicksand! He'll be swallowed up without a trace" has been eliminated. Also, the stick that Pete Trask is hit with on the back of the head has been redrawn to just being hit with a fist. 6) Also on page 9, the native's "The quicksand will suck him down quickly!" has been replaced with "Come! We've no time to lose!" 7) Throughout the story the very yellow skin-tones of the natives have been re-coloured with more natural ones.
Mr. Dynamite!

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Inspector Denver
Inspector Marty Denver; Cassidy
A man calling himself Mr. Dynamite wanders into the precinct with dynamite strapped around his waist and a plan to rob armored cars.
from Police Comics (Quality Comics, 1941 series) #?
If this is reprinted from Police Comics, it's from a later issue that is not yet indexed.
Trial by Terror

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
T-Man Pete Trask; Agent R-17; Tanya Ravic
Pete Trask must go behind the red curtain in Bucharest to rescue a man named Simpson.
FlagT-Man #9 published January 1953
was Trial By Terror [Story on Interior Page(s)]
This story has been modified from the original, presumably to meet the standards of the Comics Code Authority. These modifications are: 1) In the first panel, a speech bubble has been added for Pete Trask so he says "Hold your fire, they give up!". Figures on right side of panel have been redrawn from being shot to surrendering and smoke from the ends of the guns has been eliminated. 2) On page two the phrase "Drop dead, you tyrants!" has been eliminated from the taxi drivers last speech bubble. 3) On page 3, first panel on the second tier, one of the men has been redrawn so he's not dying and his speech bubble saying "Arghhh!" has been eliminated. 4) Also on page 3, in the second panel in the third tier, the phrase "is a kiss in the kisser!" has been eliminated from Pete Trask's speech bubble, as has the sound-effect "splat" from Pete punching a guy in the jaw. 5) Text on page 4 in the first panel has been shortened to eliminate references to democrats being "rats". 6) Last panel in first tier on page 4 has a reference to Simpson being a "dog" eliminated. 7) Last panel in second tier on page 4 has the word "pigs" replaced with the word "ones" when referring to democrats. 8) The last panel on page 4 has "The Pig!" taken out, when referring to the man who has just been convicted. 9) Panel 1 on page 5 has the words "One shot behind the ear and 'finis' Simpson!" replaced with "It will (be) over fast for Mr. Simpson!" and "I'd like to wring her blood-thirsty neck! Wait!" eliminated. 10) The first panel in the third tier on page 5 has "Aargh" eliminated and the speech bubble "He's got a gun!" replaced with "Get him quick!" 11) The last panel on page 5 has been mostly re-drawn, with one dead soldier eliminated, the "Bang Bang" of a gun eliminated, one falling soldier redrawn so it looks like he is running, and the speech bubbles "He cannot kill us all!" and "I can try!" eliminated. The gun has also been taken out of Trask's hand. 12) In the first panel on page 6, all the guns have been eliminated, along with the "click, click, click" of Trask's gun. The dialogue "He's out of ammunition! Now we've got him!" has been replaced with "You blundering fools! Let me at him!" 13) Panel 2 on page 6 has been altered so the enemy guard is hitting Trask on the back of his head with his fist instead of his gun. 14) "Crack" and "Oww" soundeffects have been eliminated from the middle panel on the page. 15) In the first panel on the third tier of page 6 the phrase "she-wolf" has been replaced with "villainess" 16) "Crack" and "uggh" have been eliminated as sound effects from the middle panel at the bottom of page 6. 17) On page 7, the soldiers that Trask is shooting in the second panel have been eliminated. 18) The last panel on the first tier of page 7 has been modified so none of the enemy soldiers is being shot and falling down. 19) The dying soldier saying "Y-I-I-I-I! Aarghh!" has been eliminated along with his speech bubble in the first panel in the second tier on page 7. 20) The second panel on the second tier on page 7 has been modified so the soldiers in the truck are saying "Hands up, boys!" instead of shooting the enemy. Also the enemy are not falling down.
Boom Town

Text Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Shorty Nagle; Frenchy Duval
Daredevils Only Die Once!

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Pete Trask; Carmela; Carl Gruder
T-Man Trask goes undercover as a daredevil driver at a circus to find out who is trying to set off a riot at the Pan-American Exposition.
FlagT-Man #11 published May 1953
was Daredevils Only Die Once [Story on Interior Page(s)]
Comic has been modified from the original, probably due to the Comics Code Authority. These changes are: 1) In the intro text, the phrase "a knife in her garter!" has been replaced "villainy in her heart!" 2) In the third panel on page two, the dialogue "and if he had any guts, he'd been killed at it long ago!" and "Why you &%$#!" have been eliminated. 3) In the middle panel on the page the word "capitalist" has been replaced with "American" 4) In the last panel of the middle tier, the man falling out the window has been eliminated (but his speech bubble is retained). In the next panel the words "Scratch one MDV agent!" are replaced with "Why did he jump??" 5) In the first panel on page 4, the words "to turn tomorrow into a bloody riot! I'm here to stop him!" have been eliminated from Pete Trask's speech bubble. 6) In the last panel on the first tier of page 4, Carmela's speech has the words "you and I, Senor Trent..." eliminated. 7) The second panel on tier 2 of page 4 has a blackjack eliminated from a thug's hand and his speech bubble "Dirty, sneaking... oooff!!" eliminated too. 8) In the first panel of the bottom tier, the rail has been fixed and the thug who is being thrown off doesn't say "EEAGHH!" anymore. 9) In the last panel on page 4, the word "knuckle-jaw" has been replaced with "fisticuffs". 10) Panel 1 on page 5 has Trask's speech bubble reading "Awrrk! Honey, how do you get to crack a whip over these apes?" eliminated. 11) The first panel on the second tier of page 5 has the words "working men" replaced with "communists". 12) In the last panel on page 5 the words "enough TNT to blow up you and your Capitalist swine when you hit!" are replaced with "enough TNT to blow you sky high!" 13) On page 6, in the first panel in tier 2, Trask's speech bubble has had the words "Dirty Rats! I'll take" changed to just "... take"

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